090799 - 4

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*Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while!! Ive been busy with Christmas and everything, Also thanks sooooo much to epicpopsicle for the amazing cover!!! :D*

                                           -Chapter 4-

Zap! Crunch! Bang!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed, "What is going on?" Everything turned black, and there were a bunch of weird sounds? And it smelt horrible! Like a mix of rotten eggs and ketchup! Then all of a sudden, all the loud noises stopped, the smell went away, then as if someone turned on the lights, it all got bright again. I looked around , I was in a jungle, or a forest or something! I looked up, there were tons of birds flying around above me. It was really sunny wherever I was. It looked like it was about August.

Then I heard a really loud, THUD... THUD.. THUD.. THUD... THUD... THUD... THUD... THUD! It got louder everytime as if the noise were coming towards me! The ground started to shake, I quickly clutched to a tree! Then I felt a drop of water. I looked up. What I saw shocked me so much I almost fainted!!

It was a red dinosaur. With spit coming out of its mouth. It was so big!

"Oh no! Oh nooooo! What if.... it.... EATS ME!?" I screamed. I quickly ran and ran and ran, and wouldn't stop until I was at the side of a cliff. I stopped abruptly. It was more than a 5000000000000 foot drop!

"I want to go home! But how do I get there? The time machine is at home? Not here? Here in DINOSAUR LAND! I almost got killed!" I said. Killed. I thought of my sister Cassie, maybe with this time machine I can go back in time to when Cassie was walking to the movies, I can pull her out of the way of that car!

\Zap! Crunch! Bang!

It all went black! The smell of rotten eggs and ketchup came back. "AHHHHHH! Oh right, I've done this before! I'm going back home!"

Then, 'the lights turned back on' and I was back home in that boring room with the white walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2010 ⏰

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