Chapter I

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Vassi Janio tried again "Master, I had no choice, had I killed the child, the Jedi would have escaped there was no way to kill both of them." she glanced down at her reflection in the hilt of her lightsaber. She had combed her purple-blue hair like she always did, her gray skin was no paler than it usually was and there weren't even any unusual white spots among her light blue ones like there normally was when she was nervous. Her yellow eyes didn't reveal anything either. Still, if anything looked unusual, her master would suspect something. If he ever found out that she had had the choice to kill the inocent baby, but had decided against it, he would kill her. Her thoughts where interrupted by her droid, V6-S3,
"Vassi, Darth Nethine wants to speak to you, it's about the mission,"
Vassi sighed, she knew this was coming and she had practiced, but her master had a talent for figuring out when she was lying. She got up and went to her master's room.
"Darth Zorla," he said, "I heard that there were some complications on Yavin 2"
"I'm sorry, master, the Jedi destractied me, and by the time he was dead, his padawan had already escaped with the child, there was nothing I could do" Vassi responded.
"Nothing?" he said as tendrils of lightning shot out of his hands, hitting Vassi and making her clops in a heap on the ground, "Well, we'll see about that. I am sending you to Tuul, there you will complete a mission for me," he said, turning away. She knew that that was her queue to leave, so she pushed her self up, and stumbled towards the door. Then she went back to her quarters and called S3.
"C, I need lots of info on Tuul, now!" said Vassi, ignoring the pain.
"oh, he's sending you there?" S3 said with an odd tone to her voice.
"C, what is it?!" Vassi yelled.
"Vassi, Tuul is a warzone, he is sending you to the Jedi!"
Vassi felt herself go numb on the inside but was careful not to let it show. Any sign of weakness would prove to her master that she was not fit to be a Sith, and she would die. "I've killed Jedi before C, what makes you think that this is any different?" she said grabbing her lightsabers and igniting them, letting their piercing red blades bounce off S3's shiny black and red chest.
"Vas, you know that this is not just a few Jedi, there will be more than all the others you have faced combined," S3 said, "the chances of you getting killed are high enough already, but to add to the danger..." She dropped her voice lower as she continued, "I have heard that not just the opposing natives are on the other side of the war."
Vassi knew what that meant. Sith where going to be there, it was dangerous being a Sith apprentice but to fight along side other Sith, you were practically asking to be killed. Her master had gone once to a battle like that and had come back with multiple new lightsabers, not all of them belonged to Jedi. She shuddered inside at the thought of going there. "V6-S3, inform Darth Nethine that I am ready to receive my assignment. Oh, and stop calling me Vassi, only the weak use their names, if I want to survive, Darth Zorla is my best option."

I hope you like it. I don't write much so it's not super good. Pls comment and say if you like it. (and pls read the next chapter;)

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