↳ Friends On The Other Side ↴

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Ability Name: Friends on the other side

Ability: The user is able to create shadow like figures to attack, protect, or etc. for them 

↝ The user can choose the personality, personality, objective, etc. for these shadow like figures

↝ The user can also choose the appearance for these figures but it'll show in a shadow form

↝ The user can talk to the shadows through their head and vice versa 

↝ The shadows can appearance with their real appearance which the user has chosen for them in shadows 

↝ The shadows can only have powers, strength, etc. as their user's or 5% above

↝ The shadow only appears to people the user chosen who to see 

↝ The shadows are 10% stronger than their usual selves in shadows 

↝ The shadows are 20% stronger than usual if they are in complete darkness 

↝ There is no limit to how many shadows the user can create and how many they use at a time 

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