slow and steady

135 8 2

The process is slow but important. The cuts need to be clean and the cotton must be clean. His work is hard but important and slightly odd. Crazy they shout at him from outside his shop. Killer, Insane, Mental, Mad they call him. If only they knew everything. Blood dripped down onto his cold concrete basment floor, the limp carcus on his lap, apron splattered in bodily fluids and bits of organs. His black sneakers stained red, a needle in his one hand and cotton in the other. "You were special" the dark words fell from his tongue with a poisonous aura. The arms are the easiest, as are the legs. The torso is simple and quick. The fingers is where the delicate work comes in, the toes too. The eyes are precious, keeping them in the body is a must for him. He finished with a grin from ear to ear. He stood and carried the stuffed body bridal style into his room. He wrote the name on the tag 'Kim Jongin' and tied it at his wrist. He placed him next to 'Oh Sehun' & 'Park Chanyeol' "try leaving me again..." he seethed with anger burning inside him. "But I love you all" he whispered at his eight stuffed men. He grabbed the limp heart off his table and placed it in another jar, taking his sharpie and wrote across it. 'Tried to run' and placed it in his cupboard. He removed his red gloves and sent them to his trashbin. Untied his apron and put it in a dirty pile. Smiling contently he put on his puffy black winter coat and swung the scarf on, shuffling into his clean shoes. He pulled out the silver key as he left and locked the door, testing it once, twice and thrice just for safety. No one knew what he really kept, from the common eye you'd see a deer head here and rabbit sculpture there. He smiled contently and headed down the snow covered streets.

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