F I F T Y- T W O

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Warning; I did not proofread. If you find any mistakes, please let me know.

Enjoy :)


My eyes widened. The little girl's words repeating in my head. Reese Herron. She was alive. But h-how? I thought she was–

Unless, Luke's intentions had been to keep her here since the incident and decided to lie to everyone about it. But for what?

I snapped out of my thoughts and my eyes traveled to meet Luke's which were filled with amusement, "How dare you to do this?" I yelled at him.

The little– Reese looked scared at my sudden outburst. She took a step back.

Luke must have also noticed and probably was afraid that I would reveal the truth and expose him in front of Reese because he opened the door and called for one of the members of the gang to take her to another room while we talked.

When Luke closed the door, leaving only us two in the room, I walked towards him and raised my hand, slapping him very hard. He deserved it.

"How could you?" A tear slipped down my eye. I couldn't hold it back. This whole thing was too much for me to take in.

Luke didn't respond. But there was a stupid smile playing in his lips that was bothering me.

"Answer me!" I yelled at him this time.

"Can you calm down—"

I interrupted him, "Calm down? You want me to calm down, Luke? How can I be calm when you lied to everyone. You knew Zach and his family were hurting by their daughters death but you didn't care did you? You didn't bother telling them that Reese was alive. Do you know how much you hurt Zach? Do you even have an idea of how much pain his sisters death caused him? No! You don't have an idea because you're evil enough to kidnap her for over a year."

"First of all, my plan was to hurt Zach. And I accomplished it. Plus, Zach's parents don't give a damn about him, much less Reese. "

I swear he's a psychopath.

"That still doesn't excuse what you did. You've been telling her that Zach's working and that he can't come get her. Are you fucking serious?" I squint my eyes. This was unbelievable.

"I can't tell her the truth, okay? I needed to lie to her, at least that would give her hope that her brother was coming."

"How did you even do this?" I asked him referring to him getting Reese when Zach said he saw her falling down the stairs and laying down unconscious, "How did no one find out you did this?"

"Reese tripped and she fell down the stairs. She was unconscious. When the police and ambulances came, they made everyone get out of the house so they could help Reese. I stayed inside and offered them money. They took her to the hospital and healed a few bruises and then gave her to me. But by then, the Herron's had been told that she had died. But she didn't." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

"And you say it just like that? You disgust me! Luke, you seriously need help. You are crazy. You need help mentally!" I yelled at him.

He smirked, "You can say all the hell you want, but at the end of the day, I still won and I will continue winning."

I remained quiet as more tears formed in my eyes. How could someone be so evil? How could someone do this to a little girl? Take one year an a half of her life away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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