Cant tell

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~Kiri's POV~

I cant tell him.... I cant....I froze again. He looked at me some how with anger but with a worry in his eyes. I took a deep breath. He repeated himself and the question started to look more confusing than it is. I couldn't answer. I just sat there looking like you gave the hardest mathematical question to a six year old.

 "" I stuttered. I couldnt form a sentence. He looked at me worried than before. I stood up and sprinted. He ran after me yelling at me something but i coudnt make out what. I ran and ran till i knew i lost him. When i was shure i lost him i began walking home.

~Bakus POV~

She froze again and i repeated myself. She stuttered and i looked at her worried. Then out of nowhere she stood up and sprinted. I stood up and began running after her.

"WHAT THE FUCK! COME BACK HERE YOU  DIPSHIT! WHY ARE YOU RUNING!" I yelled. God she is fast. She ran and eventually i lost her. "HOW THE FUCK DID I GET UNRAN FROM A GIRL IN THIS SITUATION." I yelled at myself.

~Time skip~   ~Kiris  POV~

I went back home and to my relief my mom was not  home. I went inside and looked at my phone for the time. It was 5:30 so I thought I could call Mina so I went to my contacts and saw 'Bakugo Katsuki' in my contacts and then it hit me he put his phone number in my phone when  was passed out. "MOTHER FUCKER" I said out loud and sight. Well I will keep it for now.....I went to my room and did homework because I had nothing better to do. And went to sleep eventually.

~Bakus POV~

I couldn't find her so I went back home. The old hag was there and started saying something but I couldn't care les. Then she said something about phone number. I was pissed from the red head running 'forgot her name.....FuCk uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. well I may ask the hag .....nahhhhh' and I went to my room.

(352Words) sorry its so short but im tired and trying to think of things to write. 

I don't want the story to go that fast so it may take a while till I think of something 


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