Chapter Thirty-two: Mine

Start from the beginning

"Oh, leave that be. The other servants can handle that." She intercepted Em and stepped right in front of her. "You do have something to tell me, do you not?"

"I am not certain that I understand, My Lady."

"Well, how about we start by telling me where you got this lovely bracelet?" Lydia pulled it out from her pocket. "It came off when you were picking up my clothes. Quite lovely. This is pure emerald, an expensive stone and is very sought after."

"It was gift, My Lady." Em said immediately.

"Oh, I figured that much. You do not seem like the thieving kind. But I was asking who gave it to you."

Em looked down. "A friend. It was from a friend."

"And what kind of friend is that? I have wondered who in this house could afford this?" Lydia took a step closer but Em stepped back. "Is he a servant? A rich lady or...perhaps, one of the Davensport's?"

Em's heart stopped. Did Lydia know? "My Lady, if I could just have my bracelet back. You are expected downstairs, are you not?"

Lydia's nose flared. "You dare not answer my question? You? You are nothing but a servant who moved one step up but will always be lower than my station. I am the new Duchess of Hinley and I can fire you anytime. Not unless you give me what I want." She pushed Em against the wall and held the bracelet up to her face. "Did he give this to you?"

"H-he? Who do you mean?"

"Do not feign your innocence at me. I know you were Damian's mistress. He must have given this to you. Am I wrong, Emelia? Or should I say, Rose?." Lydia snapped.

Em couldn't help but gasp. "I was not his mistress, My Lady." But he offered for me to be one, her mind screamed. Em refused to say it least the woman go berserk. "And Lord Damian did not give me that bracelet."

"Liar. I heard you two during the welcoming party, he chased you on that corridor and I followed you. And it was you in his room when I tried to push the door open, were you not? And last night, he was speaking with you alone. He was holding your hand while whispering who-knows-what in your ears. Tell me." Lydia lowered his voice. "Have you slept with my husband?"

Em's eyes watered. "No, My Lady. I swear." Oh god. How did Lydia find out about their meetings? Is that why she looked upset when their eyes met before the wedding? She thought she was all alone with Damian after Sam left and that incident at the corridor which was a dark, cramped place, a Lady like her should not venture. "I have naught but feelings for him as a child but it was long gone. The last time we spoke we had agreed that we put the past behind us and that is all, I swear." As much as it hurt, her only escape was to be honest.

Lydia blinked. She could tell Em was telling the truth. But knowing that she had feelings for him as a child was alarming. Did that mean they had been together before? She took a lungful of air before continuing, "Did he, returned your feelings?"

Em nodded very gently. "For a time. But we both knew we cannot be together. I am merely a servant and he was my lord." Em's tears fell now. "You may have heard only his side of the story that night but I shoved him away and nothing happened to us. Please believe me. He chose you, My Lady."

Lydia did not know if she should be happy or stay mad. She thought that the woman held Damian back and prevented him from loving her instead. But Em had freed him, despite the obvious feelings she still felt for her husband. How could she ignore the sacrifice Em had made?

They were quite for awhile until Evangeline came in. She went to Lydia, "My Lady, the carriage is waiting for you."

Lydia turned her head but her eyes went back to Emelia's tear stained face. She planned to confront her and make her spit out the truth but it was not the truth she expected. Emelia did not want to be Damian's mistress, she was not planning to steal him from her. All this time Lydia thought she was competing with a woman who would fight for Damian's heart until the end. But what she got was someone who loved him so much that she managed to let him go.

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