The Battle

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You were sitting in a recliner by the pool.

(Y/N): Yesterday sure was intense.

Tots: It sure was

Smg4: I still think we should of at least kept one.

???: your wish is granted.

You looked to your right and saw Splat Tim

Smg4: Splat Tim! I thought you died in that pod!

Splat Tim: Nope, That was just a clown.

(Y/N): Do you mean a clone?

Slat Tim: No it was a clown.  (referring to a spelling error I made in Splat Tim's Battle Royal Finally)

Smg4: ok then, so you want to fight!

Splat Tim: ...Yesh

Smg4: I'll go in and get the others

Smg4 ran into the house and grabbed the others

You ran towards Splat Tim and tried to punch him. He grabbed your hand and twisted it.

(Y/N): My hand!

You fell to the ground holding your hand.

Splat Tim: I thought you guys would be stronger but I was mistaken

Splat Tim grabbed you and through you into the deck

Smg4: OK I brought the others

Tots ran toward Splat Tim and pulled out crimson katanas

Mario: Hey those are some cool bananas.

Tots slashed at Splat Tim

Splat Tim: not bad

Splat Tim grabbed Tots and threw him into the pool

(Y/N): Crap I don't think he had his lotion on!

You jumped into the pool and pulled Tots out

(Y/N): Are you Ok?

Tots: Yeah, Thanks (Y/N)

(Y/N): No problem

Mario studied it then grabbed a squirt gun and shot Splat Tim with it.

Splat Tim: Ugh! Water... My only weakness! You may have gotten me this time but after you vacation it is buy buy time.

He jumped up, flapped his arms, and flew away.

Smg4: Mario... You did something useful!

Everyone grabbed Mario and threw him into the air.

(A happy ending.  Well, for now at least) 

Meggy x Reader Where stories live. Discover now