Part 17

381 11 13

Leah POV

Man dinah is going to get hers she gone have her friend lauren and that ugly ass boy knock me the fuck out and send me to the damn hospital and then kill my boyfriend matthew now I'm heated and you know who's going to pay for it yeah that retard of a daughter.

I gotta think of a plan to get her though think leah think I can't use her as a sex slave anymore because matthew is dead yeah that was all me I was the one who told matthew to rape denise that day when dinah came to our house.

Nah I know what imma do I'm going to see if that bitch of a girlfriend she got will let me see my daughter I don't get why denise get to call her mom she is NOT her real mom imma handle that.

Leah:(bangs on Normani door)

Milton:mom someone banging on the door

Normani:ok I will get it

Leah:(continues to bang on the door)

Normani:hold your fucking horses I'm coming damn stop banging on my damn door

Normani opens the door and sees leah but slams the door in her face which results in leah banging on the door again.

Dinah:what the fuck man I was sleep who is banging on my damn door

Normani:(heated) take a wild guess dinah

Dinah:(looks through the peeper hole and sees leah)

Dinah:(opens the door) what do you want leah and damn lauren fucked your face up bad

Dinah:but let's just cut to the chase and get to the point leah why are you here

Leah:well I was going to tell that hoe (points to normani) why I'm here but she slammed the door in my face

Normani:you damn right I sure did

Dinah:babe chill go in the house I got this

Leah:yeah hoe listen to dinah

Normani:(punches leah dead in her face)

Dinah looks at Normani saying really babe chill out please go in the damn house I got this let me talk to leah and see what her ass wants.

Normani:oh no boo boo there's no more talking after she disrespected me and called me a hoe

Leah:(spits out blood) that's because you are one hoe (spits in Normani face)

Normani saw the light flash before her eyes and saw black gotten out of dinah hold and started to beat up leah badly until dinah called out milton to help her get normani off of leah.

Milton:oh shit world star (pulls out phone and starts recording) you just got knocked the fuck out by my moms (laughing and looks at the camera) you see that yalllllll

Normani:get your ass back in the damn house milton

Milton:(sees the look on his moms face and ends the video saying see ya (runs back in the house)

Dinah:really Normani

Normani:fuck you dinah I'm not letting this bitch disrespect me or mines

Normani:I'm definitely not letting her take denise away from me I don't give a damn if leah is her biological mother or not

Normani:there would be a cold day in hell before I let that shit happen

Leah:I will be back bitch

Normani:over my dead body

Dinah POV

I can't believe Normani would fight I just gotten her out of jail just a week ago and she's on house arrest why you may ask because when we went to the mall after denise came home that next day everything was going good until someone called denise a retart and a girl was flirting with me.

When I say Normani went crazy she went crazy and went off on me too when she was in jail and was abled to get her one phone call but when she went to court the judge put her on house arrest.

Dinah:babe did you forget your on house arrest if she goes to the police you will be in jail again

Normani:gladly I don't give a damn what she does dinah your baby mama can go to hell for all I care

Normani:I admit what she did in the past pissed me off but she went overboard disrespecting me and saying she taking denise

Normani:name one fucking time that that bitch has been a good parent to denise huh dinah name one

Dinah then says babe just please calm down but normani interjected and day I will only calm down when leah is long gone and not messing with MY daughter.

Dinah:OUR daughter



Dinah goes into her room slamming the bedroom door packing a bag and then calling lauren up to come get her and denise sees dinah and says mama where are you going and dinah replies with sweetheart mama just need some time to herself I will be back.

Dinah goes into her room slamming the bedroom door packing a bag and then calling lauren up to come get her and denise sees dinah and says mama where are you going and dinah replies with sweetheart mama just need some time to herself I will be back

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(Dinah outfit) ☝️☝️☝️

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