Chapter 7

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I just realized that it's been a month since I last updated and some of you have told me that you're still waiting for me. Things haven't been bright these past few days and adding this huge world crisis didn't help one bit. So I'm really sorry guys. I'm sorry for the long wait. And I'm really thankful for you all for being patient and understanding and still supporting me. I appreciate it so much.

I hope this can compensate for all the waiting you've done. 


Eighteen days. Eighteen agonizingly slow days since that disaster I call my birthday. Two weeks and four days of missed calls and unanswered text messages. Almost three weeks of painful waiting. But who's counting, right?

I flinched as I checked my phone again. Who am I even kidding? The rate of how I jumped every time my phone made a sound, I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack at this point. I even managed to make Yoongi throw his own phone in the air when I suddenly jumped up from the couch (where we were both sitting) with an excited yelp, ignoring his indignant "Ya!" as I reached for my phone on the coffee table only to sag back in disappointment when I saw that the call was from our manager. I couldn't help the pout that fell on my lips when I answered the call sulkily, which resulted in Yoongi giving me a disgusted glare as he left me alone, probably saving his phone from another flying incident.

I was walking towards the kitchen to make myself a sandwich, feeling hungry with all this angst I'm feeling, when my phone pinged again. My steps faltered when I heard the blasted sound again. Even with a gut feeling that the text still won't be ninety-nine percent from Byul, there was still that hateful one percent that hoped that it was from her. My hand was itching to reach for my phone so I reached for the bread instead, trying to take my mind off of it.

Just as I was opening my mouth to take a bite off of the delicious-looking sandwich perfectly made by yours truly, I heard my phone ping again. I closed my eyes as I felt the itch again. When it pinged again for the third time, I glumly looked at the food in my hand and sighed dejectedly as I put it down on the plate and finally gave in to the temptation of opening my phone. The person, or should I say people, wasn't really the ones I was waiting for but what I read piqued my interest.

Sandeul: Have you guys watched it already?


Byulyi, you looked so pretty!

Ken: Oh, it's out already?

Hani: Gosh, Lee Jaehwan, why are you so slow?

Go watch it already! Where's your support to our lovely Byulyi? Huh?!

Ken: Okay! Calm down, jeez! No need for full names.

I frowned. What are they talking about? But I didn't get the chance to mull over the question too much when the next message appeared on my screen.

Byulyi: Heeyeon-ah, what's with the past tense?

I'm always pretty. 😉

Hani: Ugh. 😑

I never should have said anything.

Sandeul: Byul-ah...

Just stop.

Byulyi: What? 😇😇😇

I put down my phone, unable to read the rest. I've always known that she was ignoring me. Deep down inside my wonderful beating heart, I knew. Her last words to me were even a clue. But it still didn't take away the sting after seeing her happily and freely responding to others. Except me. Eighteen days and I never got a single response while the others got replies faster than a rocket.

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