Injured...and confused

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Follow me on IG! :) @mongji23

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Follow me on IG! :) @mongji23

Gusion woke up feeling strained and lightheaded, but he got up from the infirmary bed anyway.

He looked down at what he was wearing; he was nowhere near alright.

Under his white lose shirt and trousers were bandages wrapped around all over his shoulders down to his waist. His belts and sheaths were laid at the bedside table along with his armor.

But he felt like he couldn't lift his arm high enough to change into them alone. So he went outside, limping as he felt a searing pain in his left side every time he took a step.

The corridors of the Monastery of Light were empty and silent as how it had been for the last days he had been there. He knew more than thirty people lived there for their demon hunting trainings but he barely get past them in the hallways except during lunchtime.

He wondered what happened to the City of Scholars. He felt irritated with himself to pass out that easily in the middle of a battle.

He headed to the library first, where he guessed were the others at the moment. He seemed to have realized that it was Rafaela, Granger and Alucard's place when they were planning something.

He had just gotten in the corridor leading to the library when he spotted a glimpse of violet at the side of the corridor near the door leading to the balcony.

The Lady Guinevere. She was back to wearing her violet gown, and seeing how she tiptoed to prop her elbows over a high arched window and get her head closer to it assured him that she was alright. She seemed to be too focused on pressing her ear near the window that she did not notice him approach behind her.

"They spotted more in the Azrya Woodlands and the Dark Forest. They're attacking everywhere." It was Alucard's voice he heard from outside the window where the balcony was.

Gusion peeked over Guinevere's shoulder and saw Granger and Alucard talking in the balcony, their brows furrowed and their eyes dead serious.

"They're weakening them in their territories so they couldn't respond readily upon the Princess' call."

Alucard nodded. "It seems like that."

"Then it shouldn't be long when they will come here."

Guinevere grunted and stood on her heels, yelping and backing against the window as she got a glance of him standing a few feet away.

He merely stared at her. Now that she had faced his direction, he could see bandages overlapping from under her corset. She also lost her long violet gloves that usually covered her arms, and it was his first time seeing them bare. In replacement for them were more bandages in her the arm on the side where the boulder hit her hard.

The bare one looked lean and fair but also had fading bruises here and there.

A second later, she composed herself and stood straight.

Violet Detours; A Mobile Legends FanficWhere stories live. Discover now