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School ended for the day and I was walking with Saiki. "Wanna come over on Saturday?" I asked him.

"Why?" he asked me.

"We're renovating our indoor pool. It's going to be finished on Friday, but Friday I have to film some kind of sweet show with Teruhashi's brother. I think it was called.. Midnight sweets?" I muttered looking at my phone.

"The program for sweet lovers?" he asked and I nodded showing him my schedule for Friday.

"I also won't be in school, since I'll be filming at the location on the day and then my thoughts on it." I said to him and noticed he was staring at me. "What? Do you watch it?" I asked and he simply nodded. "Well then I hope you watch my episode." I smiled as we reached the gate, and a car pulled up. The window rolled down and it was Jason.

"Ready?" he asked and I nodded.

"See you later, Kusuo." I waved and hurried into he car and Jason drove me home.


I arrived at the studio, and greeted the workers, and made my way inside to meet with the host and director. "Thank you for accepting our offer to be in our show!" he said bowing a bit to me. 

"Don't worry about it, I thought it'd be a fun experience." I said bowing as well.

"The sweet we're reviewing is Coffee Jelly." the director said and showed us a quick file on the restaurant. "Please get ready so we can head to the filming location." he said and I nodded and followed the costume person assigned to me.

"Do you have a preference as to what you wear?" he asked me looking through the rack of clothes.

"As long as it's not too bright, or too extravagant." I said sitting on the stool. 

"Then, how about this?" he held up a set outfit. "It might be a bit cute, but we want to showcase how even as a sweets shop for coffee jelly, it would be a nice place for a date." he explained and I nodded.

"That's fine." I smiled and he nodded and handed me the clothes so I could get changed. After that, I was driven to the filming site by a few of the staff. When I arrived, Teruhashi's brother was already there. He noticed me and I smiled and waved at him.

He seemed to blush and look away from me. "Please take a seat while we prepare the cameras." the director said and I sat down in one of the two seats, and Mugami-san sat in the other. 

"It's nice seeing you again." I said to him as the crew continued working.

"Y-you too." he said. "I didn't realize you were my partner for this show.." he said and I smiled.

"Yes, well I accepted this kind of last minute. Sorry about that." I said to him.

"I- It's not a problem!" he hurridly said and I smiled and someone from the makeup department came up to me to give me some lip gloss to "make it pop."

"Ready on set!" the director called and everyone began to clear away. "Action!" he yelled and the cameras started rolling.

We were served their coffee jelly, and we were each given our own spoon. "So, how is it Mugami-kun?" the staff asked and he looked at the camera and simply said, it was yummy. 

The cameras then turned to me, and I smiled while taking a bite. "And how do you like it (Y/n)-san?" she asked me.

"It's nice and fresh and served at a cool temperature, perfect for the Summer but not too cold to be distasteful during the winter. It's also light so girls or guys don't have to feel guilty about eating more than one serving if they really want to. I would definitely bring a date or my friends here." I said and the staff thanked me before they cut off the cameras to review the footage.

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