Alfea College for Fairies

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"You're right," Bloom nodded, though she was still in a bit of doubt that she'd be able to. Selina had already managed to at least summon things with the legendarium, use spells that shrunk or expanded objects and now change her hair. Yet...she had done nothing.

When she turned back, she could see that Selina's hair had faded back to pure green. It had only been a few seconds and judging by her sister's face, the revert wasn't intentional and probably happened without any will. Wizgiz noticed this himself and nodded. "Your sister is having problems as well. Yes, she was able to use her magic to do what you weren't. But her magic energy is very weak, so spells won't last long. You, on the other hand, have a strong magical residue. But you don't have how to focus it at all."

"So your saying that Selina has control, but not enough energy. And I have the energy, but no control?" Bloom asked, still gazing at her sister. Selina was still trying to get her hair to stay consistently as the black-to-green gradient, but it kept reverting back within seconds every time.

"Exactly, lass. Every fairy is different, even among siblings. Both of you will have struggles, I can see happening. But both of you just need to learn to overcome them and I'm sure together that you'll do great."

The class bell shortly rang and Wizgiz smiled at the class. "Anyone who hasn't succeeded in the lesson, take your mirrors with you. Next lesson will be a review of this, so I hope everyone has made some progress."

Bloom and Selina both let out a sigh in sync, picking up their mirrors and going over to one another. "That was exhausting," Bloom mumbled, she hadn't succeeded at all in even turning the tips into the color she intended. Not even her hair had moved a tiny bit.

"Tell me about it," the fairy of myth groaned, her energy seemed almost depleted and it wasn't even the end of classes. Luckily the legendarium was giving her a constant supply of magic source, but it still was painful. "Who would have thought," she said as they walked towards their next lesson. "Ever since we were kids, we thought that becoming a fairy would be easy. That spells would be like snap," the girl clicked her fingers as she spoke. "But that's clearly not the case."

However, Selina then spun and a little. This resulted in her ending up in front of Bloom, facing the red head with a smile. "But you got to admit, it's pretty fun," the redhead smiled and nodded her head in agreement. "I'm sure that I can go far. Wizgiz told me that a weak magic residue isn't the end of the world. Did you know that he actually had the same problem?"

"And he's a teacher now..." Bloom whispered in realization before smiling and nodding. "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be fine. You just need to practice with your energy. And....I'm sure that I'll be able to stabilize a control eventually."

"Yeah," then the girl gave a bit of a frown that surprised Bloom a bit before Selina explained the problem. "Promise me that you won't compare me to you anymore, I saw your face in class. It wasn't a pretty sight."

"Sorry about was just disappointed that I couldn't do the spell.."

"Lets practice a bit tonight. Surely with the girls, it will be a lot easier. Plus, less students to make a comparison towards. That was definitely painful, having everyone maintain their hair for minutes."

"True," Bloom laughed a bit, but then remembered something. "But we weren't the only ones in the class struggling. I now remember that I saw someone's hair just float and not change color, so maybe we weren't the embarrassment of the class," Selina laughed at this. "Well, we need to get moving. Don't want to upset our next teacher."

Before she nodded, Selina blinked as she remember something that she quickly brought up after the realization. "Wait, where's Stella?"

"Over here, don't you two seriously forget me," the two turned to see their friend, only to laugh at her look. Stella blinked, not realizing instantly until she saw a piece of hair fall in her face and let out a scream of horror. "I lost my focus due to the bell and now look!"

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