Chapter 1; Meeting Emmet.

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I woke up right before my alarm clock so I didn't have to hear the irritating noise that went along with it. Jumping out of bed and throwing the covers on, I walked over to the closet to find something to wear but it was all the same, so like usual, I grabbed a blue t-shirt with skinny jeans, anything too fit in.

After getting dressed, I went down stairs and saw breakfast waiting on the table for me with a note. It read:

Dear Amanda, I thought I'd make breakfast for you, so that you could have something to eat. James and I went out since he set some kind of reservation for two at The Breakfast buffet downtown, I know it doesn't seem like him and I know you absolutely despise him but your gonna have to live with him, so please don't get mad. By the way James is moving in tomorrow and I would like you to act your best until I get home , have a great first day

Love mom xxx

The plate that had all the food on it had been thrown in the garbage as I decided to skip school for the first time.

As I made my way to the creek by the old abandoned workshop, I grabbed some stones off the ground and threw them in the water getting sprinkled by the little bits that would fly up

'I can't believe my mom would just tell James he could move in with us without my permission,' I thought as I skipped another stone. 'I mean  I've always thought that we had a close relationship!'

"Talking to yourself isn't good you know?"

I jumped up at the sound of the voice behind me. I didn’t know who it could possibly be so my only choice was to turn around and find out.

However, the only creepy part about this was that I was in a forest near an abandoned workshop so who could it be?

Turning around I was faced with a guy clad in tights and a leaf skirt. I swear it was an illusion.

"No I'm real,” He confirmed. “ not an illusion at all."

"I-I how did you know what I was thinking?" I questioned. " And who are you!?"

My faced contorted into a surprised expression as he came closer, when suddenly, I felt soft warm lips on mine and I instantly pulled away. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY DID YOU KISS ME!?" 

"It's me Emmett,” He said softly. “why wouldn’t I kiss you? It's been 8 years since you've seen me and you can't remember me? We were the cutest 10 year old couple but then you just disappeared and moved on I guess. I'm basically here cause I wanted you to know that I'm not over you..."

And with that Emmett's hands where wrapped around my waist kissing me repeatedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2012 ⏰

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