Palace Visit

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Charlie sat there, mumbling something as he eats a cookie. "Sorry for Morris's actions Charlie. It's just remember what you wrote about and me writing back about? " He sighs. "Yes but I was in the middle of training! Was it necessary to pop me out of nowhere?! " Morris chuckles. "Eh, it's just fun to see your reactions. " Charlie groans. I feel my phone vibrate, but who could be calling me? I take it out and excuse myself.

"Hello? I see that this is from the palace, what's going on? " Taylor's voice comes from the other end. "The council bought the excuse my queen but another thing, your family is here to visit and your presence is mostly definitely requested. " I sigh, wanting to scream and say no but I hold it in. "Alrighty, I and some others will be there as soon as possible, for now keep my family entertained. " I lean against the wall as Taylor says alright and hangs up. I walk back to my seat and shove my phone into my bag's pocket once more. "We're gonna have to do this meeting at the palace. Since my family decided to just show up. " Morris and modesty nod. Charlie looks at me, he seemed concerned. "You doing okay? You seem tense. " Modesty nods in agreement. "Yeah now that I notice it, you look stressed my love. " I sigh, letting my shoulders slouch a bit. "I really don't want to see my family right this instant, I have so much I need to do and prepare and they're just showing up, expecting me to be free, without asking. " Morris sighs, gets up from his seat and starts to massage my shoulders, which felt pretty good. "They're your family and sometimes you have to put away your plans to see them, you can easily lose them any moment and so you have to push through your anger and spend time with them. " I sigh, Morris is right. "Yeah, you're right. I need to suck it up and be with them. "

They all look at one another then at me. "Let's cancel the meeting for tomorrow, let's go to the palace and get everything done, after your family is done with you we can sweet talk the servants to get you a nice spa time planned. " Charlie smiled at me, I laugh. "Thanks, let's just get going. " They all nod and together we walk out the door and head to the palace. After a while we finally make it back to the palace, where Taylor stood at the door and helped us in. Inside my mother, father, sisters and brothers all stood. Along side my oldest brother Jovan was his girlfriend, Kaisa Koppel. She was an Estonian foreign student he met in high school senior year, at least that's what he said. Kaisa was a beautiful girl, she had long curly blonde hair with round ice blue eyes. Her skin was fair and creamy. Her nose was long and stout while her face was rounded with with a little chin. Her nails were a tad long while her fingers were short. She was around my height, but an inch or two taller. Her lips were a natural light pink tone, I used to think they were always drenched in pink lip gloss but I was so terribly wrong. Her figure was amazing, although she eats more than me half the time, which is a lot. She likes to incorporate traditional Estonian wear in her very modern wears. "Finally! There you are! Where were you? " My mother runs up to me and drags me by the arm. "I was out doing queen business so I cannot and shall not tell you. " She sighs. "Doesn't matter, I'm just glad you came back, especially that quickly. " I sigh. "Love the dress on you. " Kaisa was smiling at me. "Thank you Kaisa. I appreciate your feedback on my dresses. " She giggles, coming up to hug me. "Anyways, let's head up to a more  private place to have our fun hmm. " I clap my hands together and my family all nod. "Taylor my sweet dear, can you please go grab some sweets and tea, we'll be in my private chatting room. " She nods and rushes to the kitchen. "Come on then everyone, up to my private room. " I hear everyone cheer as we race up the stairs, me and the little boys fighting against one another to make it up first. I come in third as Frankie and Albert made it up and started to tease me over it. "We made it! we made it! " They chanted in
Sync. "Alright alright boys calm down. Let's head into the room now. " I grab the boys' hands and we walk down the hallway to the last door on the right, my private chatting room as I call it. I let their hands go so I could open the door, inside was a fireplace and chairs, a desk to write at, bookshelves filled with so many colored books. I urge my family and friends in, after we all settle down Taylor along with two other maids walk in to the room with tea and a huge assortment of sweets, biscuits and sandwiches to eat. "Oh my! Taylor I asked for sweets and tea not all this! But thank you, I'm sure the boys and everyone else shall appreciate this. " Taylor smiles. The maids leave and shut the door behind them, leaving the room silent. Finally, father breaks the silence. "Anyways, so Nettie how's the queen life. " I sit there and finally I sigh, I couldn't help but break down. "It's so stressful. I have people from all over asking for this and that! I have to worry about my people, my kingdom and realm. It's so fun yet so painful as well. " I take a deep breath. "Cover the boys' ears for this next part please. " Javon and Kaisa do just that. "I might have nearly killed a man then had the people at the tavern actually kill him. " My brother and his girlfriend release the boys' ears. "You did what?! " I sigh at my mother's dismay. "He was touching me weird and he was a prat to Modesty. " I get a big ooooh from the family. "Makes sense. " My father nods at my mother's comment. "Well anyways how's you and modesty going? " Javon smirks at me as he glances at modesty then at me again. "We uh-" I feel my face go red. "We definitely doing it. " I jump at modesty's words. "Modesty! Don't word it like that! " She bursts out laughing. "But why? It's basically the truth. " I make another embarrassed noise. "You never told me y'all were going at it! " Charlie joined in on the fun and I squealed. "You guys!! " I cover my face and everyone begins to laugh.

Kaisa stops the laughter as she clears her throat. "I get you guys are all having laughs but clearly she's embarrassed, she is a queen now you know. " Everyone's attention turns to her. "But Kaisa dear, she's our daughter and in our son's and daughter's cases, sister. We poke a little fun, no harm done, right Nettie? " My mother looks at me and I uncover my face. "No, no harm done but thank you Kaisa. I really appreciate that. " She again smiles at me. "Anyways what about you guys? What's going on in your lives? " My family look at each other. "Your father and I have been at home, working as the kids chill. They've been getting good grades, how about you? Hm? Doing your school work? " I nod. "Yes, I have. I have my messengers bring the work and I give the work back for it to be sent. That goes for every test and lesson too mom, I have a tutor who teaches me it and helps me along the way. " She nods. "Sorry dear, I forgot about that. " She giggles. I grab a sandwich from the silver platter, eating it as we talk. "Well what about you two? Frankie? Albert? " Frankie smiles. "It's fun having a queen sister, too bad I won't ever rule. " I laugh. "You might, if you find a Royal candidate " He gasps. "What about you Albert? " He smiles, looking at me. "I've been doing good, I have good grades and I talk about you a lot. All my classmates are jealous. " I smile. "You two aren't getting bullied about it are you? " They both shake their heads. "Nope! We both get praised and the ones who used to bully us got afraid of what you might do if we told you they were being mean. " Frankie smiles.

Albert smiles brightly, his face was so happy. Albert and Frankie have grown a bit since I've last seen them. It was just now when I realized that Albert had his long hair in a cute French braid. "Albert, who did your hair it's lovely! " Albert jumps at my sudden question. "Oh! Taylor, your maid did. We arrived and she saw how messy my hair was and did my hair for me. " I smile. "Well did you thank her? It's really good. " He nods. "Yes I did, she said it was no problem. " He giggles a bit. I know Taylor loves little Albert, ever since she met him she's been in absolute love. I've had chat time with her and she just goes on and on about how cute he is and the outfits we could put him in. Albert also loves Taylor, he says she's like another mother to him, he gets spoiled by her since he's the youngest of us six. I'm glad he gets along with the palace staff, he loves everyone it seems. But Taylor is by far his most favorite maid or palace staff out of the hundreds. That's why if I get the chance, I'd give Taylor to him, as his own personal maid and friend.

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