We just got finished getting out the shower after a couple rounds. I be talking all that shit about getting pregnant but honestly it's not a good time to and Jahir knows that

I'm building up my career and income. I'm still young and I want to be able to do fun shit while I can. Also, it's too early in this relationship and I want to be married.

We're currently cuddling and talking even though I had to get up to do some promotion stuff in the morning with the cosmetic company that sent me down here.

"I don't know if anybody told you this before but you got a fat ass head." Jahir said.

"Boy fuck you, you look like handsome squidward."

"You look like that girl with them ashy ass lips when spongebob went on that karate island."

"You read like Floyd Mayweather." I said.

"You sneeze like a windex bottle."

"That was lame you lost." I told him.

"Nigga you lost cause I got the last word." He told me.


"Yeah whatever. Anyway, I'm always telling you shit about my family but you don't never say shit. Tell me something damn." He said.

"When I was growing up everything was pretty cool between family, I mean we got into it but it was never any deep rooted issues between the five of us it was just with people outside of my immediate family." I explained.

"Keep going."

"Um basically you know I was always more developed then normal so when I was younger it was like my other family members was trying to sexualize me and make it seem like I was seeking attention but I couldn't help how I was shaped at that time so my mom would defend me." I told him.

"At least she was defending you, some people parents just make it seem like it's the kids fault for everything." He said. I just nodded.

*Story kinda long you can skip and come back if you want*

"It's something else but it has to do with Diamond too and it's some shit we promised to take to the grave but she told me she opened up to Niqo about it so I'm gonna tell you. Just promise you won't look at us differently."

"I got you." He said putting his pinky out. I smiled before locking mine with his and started the story.

"Well one time when I was around 10. Dime wanted us to have a sleepover at her house and I was so excited since we always had sleepovers at my house. Ever since her mom died her dad didn't like company but her dad wasn't going to be home that night. So we lied and told my mom her dad was gonna be home and she let me go over there."

"We were having a normal fun sleepover and went to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and.." I said stopping as I started getting a little emotional and I don't like crying in front of people except my brothers.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm not gonna force you." Jahir said rubbing my back while I laid on his chest. I just shook my head and decided to tell him.

"I heard Diamond screaming and saw her dad hitting and molesting her. I got up to get him to stop but he just started saying that I was sexy, how I looked like a woman, and then he started molesting me. Dime was begging him to stop but he wouldn't, I was crying and everything until Dime hit him in the head with her jewelry box and she kept hitting him until he stopped moving. She .. she killed him."

"Damn.." Jahir mumbled.

"I know. I always used to wonder why Dime had all them bruises and always had to go to the doctor but that night I understood. Once the police came we told them that it was a home invasion because Dime put this extra lock on her front door in case her father came home so he broke in. The police believed us and my mom came and got us."

"I always wondered what happened to Dime cause she really used to be so nice when I first met her in elementary school." He said.

"That night changed both of us. We both changed in our attitude her more than me. I didn't want anybody to find me attractive after that and I developed an eating disorder. It just did something to us and having to hold in what happened just made it worse but we had each other."

*Story over*

"I'm proud of you for taking control of your disorder cause a lot of people just let it take over. Just like y'all taking that shit to the grave Ima take it to the grave to." He told me.

"Honestly I only got over that shit because I hated being talked about and I was tired of fighting everybody." I told him.

"I guess negative things can be a good motivation too." He said.

"I guess so." I sighed.

"I love you. Thanks for listening." I said closing my eyes.

"I love you too. Anytime." He said kissing my forehead before I drifted off to sleep.


Welp now y'all know why Dime said she hates hospitals in chapter twelve.

Any thoughts?

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