Chapter Fifty-Five

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 Chapter Fifty-Five

Alice opened her eyes, a burning sensation surged down her arm, her head felt like it had been put into a vice, and she knew just from the pain that her leg was broken again. The last fleeting memories of Blake being thrown from his bike kept replaying in Alice's head. She looked around, finding herself bound at both her wrists and ankles. Blood was slowly trickling down her arm. The road rash was bad, but her leg felt a lot worse. Alice looked down to check it, but her eyes only caught sight of Blake lying crumpled in a heap at her feet. Alice let out a gasp at the sight of him. His suit was torn to shreds, and he too was bound just like she was.

Alice tried to kick him gently with her feet, only to feel pain rip though her leg. Alice ignored it long enough to tap her foot against Blake's shoulder. He didn't move, but she thought she heard him groan softly. There was too much noise for them to be sure though. Alice looked around, trying to gain some idea as to where they were. They were in a room about the size of a normal bedroom, not terribly small, not terribly big. Mold and mildew were everywhere, and an industrial fan was built into the ceiling. Since there was no breeze, but Alice could hear the noise, she could only assume this fan was one of many built into some sort of large building. The whole thing seemed so familiar, but Alice couldn't place it to save her soul.

They were alone. There was no furniture, no window, nothing. Only a metal door and a single light bulb that hung from the ceiling. Still, at least it wasn't dark. Alice could do anything but the dark.

She slowly made her way over to Blake, inching across the floor and trying to avoid using her broken leg or bruised arm. His body was a lot worse off than Alice's. His chest looked bruised something fierce, a dark angry looking bruise that Alice knew would hurt like hell if he were conscious. His arm looked like it had been torn form the rest of his body, and she prayed that he wouldn't wake up like this now. He needed help, but Alice was in no shape to be of much use.

“Come on Blake. Stay asleep for just a little while longer. Someone will find us.” Alice whispered into his ear. Their heads were side by side, and she thought maybe he could still hear her. Alice had heard him after her abduction from St. Micheal's, so she hoped that it would be the same for him. Her head began to throb when she tried to sit up, so she let herself fall back down next to Blake. Alice waited for what felt like hours, before the pain became too much and she felt herself lose consciousness again.

Alice awoke again to find Blake sitting over her. A faint smile creeping across his bruised lips as her eyelids fluttered open. “Hey.” He said, brushing her hair away from her face as best as he could with his hands still tied together. “You okay?”

“I've been worse. You?”

“Nothing serious. A cracked rib and a dislocated shoulder. Nothing I can't handle.” Alice tried to sit up again, only to have Blake put his hands on her chest and insist she stay lying down. “You've got a pretty bad concussion. Don't sit up, it'll only hurt.”

“Where are we?” Alice asked, looking again around the room. Nothing had changed since before, but it did little to settle her stomach.

“I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Well I have no idea.”

“This isn't where that man brought you before?”

“I don't think so. Besides, if this was the same place, I doubt they would have brought you, and I highly doubt they would have left us together, and I'm sure we wouldn't be gifted with light.”

“I can't imagine you would have such back luck though, Alice. Two completely unrelated abductions in one lifetime?”

“It feels different. Nothing about this room makes me think of that place. The Pit.”

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