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(Bonnie POV)
I was with my only friends playing the scary one of all but then freddy came up to me and keel haded a dimond ring he told me that I will marry him and I say yes!!!!! I really want him to get married and it happen my wish come true then I just fell to the ground but I was awake and stand up fast and leave with my other friends and told them that I'll going get married with freddy.yay
(Readers POV)
I just can't believe that bonnie and freddy were getting married and I got really jello becuse bonnie and chica have boyfriends and me nothing well minecraftian likes goldy as a teddy bear and also she finds diamonds quickly in the minecraft wold.but I was jealous of them I not going to that wedding to not.
(Hello evryone somone help me and thanks and she/he told me that maybye reader is jealous or chica and bonnie becuse they aredly have boyfriends and reader doesn't but I really play mincraftian and I love goldy and a teddy bear)

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