DRACOS BROTHER!(a new update)

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Harry pov

BOOM! I jumped awake from a loud crash. I ran down the stairs to find the front door of the manor Destroyed two two boys stood behind it. The shorter boy fanted and the taller caught him. "DRACO!!!" The Taller shouted. Draco came running in. "ALEX!" Draco yells running over to the shorter. He lifted the shorter and glared at the taller walking towards me. "Draco... what's going on who's that?" "Come here Harry I'll explain on the way up." "But what about them" I said pointing to the taller at the door not knowing there pronouns. Draco turned around glared daggers at the taller. "Come in" he said through gritted teeth. I was so confused! Why was Draco acting like this!? The taller hesitantly walked in. Draco turned back around and walked up the stairs. I raised an eyebrow. I softened my look at turned to the taller. " look why don't you sit down On the couch and I'll be right back after I have Draco explain things to me." I said while fixing the door with a wand less spell.He just nodded and sat down with a worried look on his face. I ran up the stairs to find Draco and have him explain what the BLOODY HELL is going on! I walk into the room to see Draco cover the smaller with the sheets with such care and worry in his eyes. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. " Draco... what's going on." He looked up at me, sighed and said "Harry... this is my sibling ... Alex" my jaw hit the floor. " You have a sibling!" I whispered shouted not wanting to disturb Alex. " Yes Harry I do... they never went to hogwarts because my father sent them to a wizarding school out of wizard London." I looked at him with understanding eyes that switched to confused ones. " but why where you glaring bloody daggers at that person over there!?" " because HE wants to date my sibling but I blatantly refused! Alex is much to young to be dating. And if that BOY ever. Hurt. My. Sibling. I would kill him on the spot!" I shook my head and giggled. " Dray... you can't be Sirius"(A/N get the joke! Haha no ok back to the story) he looked at with disbelief. " well of course I am Harry! That's my little sibling!" " Draco their not 5! They can handle them self! And just because your their older brother does not mean you can take their love away!" "B-but Harry- " No buts Draco he can handle himself!" " Harry they are just a kid!" "no. There . Not. And you dam well know that!" " Harry- " Draco relax and I promise you if that boy hurts Alex..." I leaned down so only Draco could hear. " I promise you I'll kick his arse for you I won't miss a beat!" He chuckled and sighed finally giving in. "Fine! You win! I'll give the boy a chance." "Good! Now come on let's let Alex rest and go ask that kid what happened." He nodded giving Alex one last look before getting up and walking with me. We walked down stairs to where I told the boy to sit. He was sitting there staring out into space with a worried look on his face. I started to speak " hey- he just up from his sit. " s-sorry I-I-I-I didn't see you" "hey it's ok it all ok" I said with a soft smile. He gave a soft smile but it quickly faded and turns into a face of fear. I looked over to where he was looking and saw Draco standing tall,chest puffed and arms crossed shooting glares at the kid. I looked at him slightly shook my head and gave him a "Be good" look. He huffed and rolled his eyes but calmed down and sat next to me. I turned my attention back to the kid. I smiled and introduced myself. "Hey there I'm Harry Potter" I got the usual shocked look and stutter of " t-the H-arry  Potter as in defeated the dark lord Harry Potter. I sighed a nodded yes. " I-I-I'm S-s-spencer." "Ok Spencer can you please tell me what happened." His expression turned sad and. " O-Our school out of London was attacked... we're yet to find out by who but who ever it was strong because we- we did not win." "alex and I barley made it out with our lives!" "Most of our friends and professors...." his voice began to crack and eyes began to tear up. " They did not make it." Both me and Draco where shocked. " speaking of Alex is he ok!" I looked at him " Yes Spencer he's ok just needs some rest that's all" he's sighed and a look of relief washed over him. I gave a soft smile and asked " You really love them don't you?" He looked shocked but stuttered " Y-yes I do sir." "Call me Harry, Spencer and I can tell you love them very much... I can see it in your eyes." Draco scuffed at this and I gave him a glare. " don't you worry about Draco Spencer he's just an over protective older brother and an arse for not letting you to be!" " Hey!" Draco yelled. To which me and Spencer giggled and chuckled. But then I stop smiling and looked him in the eye. " But do not get me wrong, You even think about hurting Alex and I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Am I understood." He nodded his head profusely and said " of course sir" which made Draco smirk"Good! But from the looks of things I won't have to!"

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