"Hello?" Jimmy greeted after a couple rings.

"Jimmy? Hi, it's Julie," she said quietly, trying unsuccessfully not to sniffle.

"Julie, what's wrong?"

She heard a little commotion on the other end of the phone, and smiled a little bit through her tears.

"Herb and I just got into this huge fight, and I'm just pissed off. I don't even really know why I called," she told him, twirling the phone cord around her finger.

"Well, Rizzo's making dinner if you want to come join us," Jimmy offered. Julie took a shaky breath.

"If Herb will let me out of the house. You guys stay at the U, right?"

"Yeah, Frontier Hall on the south end of campus. We're on the first floor."

"Alright, I'll be there soon. Hopefully," Julie laughed quietly and hung up the phone.

Exactly how was she going to ask after fighting with her uncle and saying she wished she wasn't here? She wiped her eyes, took a couple of calming breaths, and made her way back downstairs. She was surprised to see Patti and Herb still sitting at the kitchen table. They both looked up when they heard her come in.

"I'm sorry," she finally said, looking at her uncle. He turned in his chair to face her fully. He didn't say anything, clearly waiting for her to go on. She really didn't want to, but she was ready to kiss up to him if it meant she would get out of the house.

"I shouldn't have said that I'm sick of being here. I didn't mean it. I'm kind of glad I'm here. I'm really grateful you let me come back," she said, although even as she said it, she knew she meant it. Her eyes started filling up with tears. "You guys are the only ones that have never given up on me."

Herb had heard enough at this point, and he got up from his chair.

"It's alright, Julia. I know your mom's family is a sensitive subject for you," Herb said, looking at his niece, who once again had tears running down her cheeks. Julia said nothing, just hugging her uncle, who wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to cry onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I'm such a brat sometimes," Julie cried.

"You're not a brat," Herb couldn't help but chuckle at her. "You've gone through hell, honey."

Herb pulled away from her, looking down at her. She wiped her eyes, sniffling a little.

"We'll always be here for you," Patti spoke up.

"Would it be alright if I went and saw Mac? I just need to talk to him about the whole thing with my grandparents," Julie fibbed. She really had no intention of talking to anyone about her grandparents because she had no intention of calling them. Herb looked at her, raising an eyebrow. Julie knew it was bold of her to ask so quickly after a fight, but she was desperate to be around someone other than her family. Herb thought about it for a moment, and realized he'd rather have her over there with Rob and the boys than be worried about her sneaking off all night because she was mad at him.

"I'll take you over there," he spoke after an agonizing minute of making her wait.

"Thanks, Uncle Herb," she said, grateful to be getting out of the house.

"If," he began, making Julie freeze, "you promise to call your grandparents in the morning."

She bit the inside of her mouth, weighing her options. At this point, fighting was useless. Herb was going to make sure she called them.

"Alright," she finally agreed, and Herb grabbed his keys, walking towards the door. Julie quickly gave her aunt a hug goodbye before grabbing her purse off the front table and following her uncle out to the car.

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