I heard a growl from my left and turned to see the man I had sunk my teeth into was now once again a dog, a chocolatey colored, wiry mutt. He ran forward, completely dodging me, and out the door. I howled and gave chase, the pale wolf running right after me, almost neck and neck.

I knew I wouldn't be able to beat him down the stairs. If I tried, I'd fall and that old man would be as good as dead. The top of the stairs was in sight, and I had a wild idea. I lept onto the other wolf's back, using him as a springboard, and fell to the floor below, a howl escaping my lips. I rolled to the side as I hit the floor and popped up, my shoulder a bit sore from the landing, but surprisingly uninjured.

I heard an explosion and immediately ducked. The old man had a shotgun now that he was firing all over the place, pellets raining down. A shot hit near my foot, shrapnel digging into my paw. I yelped as it burned through my fur and skin, feeling like hot iron being pressed into my skin.


I looked at the old man, whose face was filled with rage, his throat raw as he screamed for blood. My eyes widened as a revelation hit me.

He's a hunter.

I shifted back at once and ducked as he trained his gun on me. I held up my hands in protest. "Wait wait!" I screamed, begging him to stop and give me enough time to speak to him. "I'm not with them! I'm here to stop them!"

The man lowered his gun for half a second to stare at me quizzically before hoisting it high once more and swinging it towards his left. From the corner of my eye, I could see a brown blur launching toward him. The old man fired and the chocolate mutt fell in a heap on the floor.

"Caeden!" I heard a man scream from behind me. I whipped around to see a man not much older than me racing towards the fallen mutt, his shaggy blond hair a tousled mess and green eyes blazing. The man, who I could only assume was the blond wolf from before, fell to his knees beside the brown dog.

The older man raised his gun again and aimed at the man.

"Wait!" I screamed, running towards him and knocking the gun to the side. The gun went off, putting a silver-filled hole in his wall.

"They tried to kill me!" he screamed back. He struggled to face the gun towards me, anguish and hatred filling his worn, brown eyes. "You'll try to kill me too!"

"I won't!" I shouted back, shaking my head. "I'm a hunter too! I'm here to help!"

"You're a monster!"

I snarled at this and pushed the barrel of the shotgun up so hard that it hit him in the jaw. With the man dazed, I elbowed him in the face, in the hopes that he would stop fighting. Bloodshot from his nose, which I likely broke, and he collapsed to the ground.

I turned sharply and marched toward the two fallen skinwalkers. Kneeling beside the injured, I shot the blond a heavy glare. He snarled and pulled his friend closer to him.

"Christ..." I whispered, seeing the bloody mess the silver had made in his friend's shirt. The blond had somehow coaxed him to shift back, and now I could clearly see the damage the silver had wrought. The man's shirt was in tatters and stained with blood and peeking through I could see the mess of his stomach, the skin flayed, burning, and raw.

"He's still breathing..." I muttered, pulling off my own thin coat and draping it across the injured mutt's stomach. "Keep pressure on it, ' I ordered. He growled in response and I snapped back with a nasty snarl.

I stood and looked around the room for anything that could help. Nothing but some old rope, which I took. It was fraying on the ends, but that didn't matter, it was fairly sturdy. I huffed and walked out onto the front porch, scanning the old man's cluttered yard, full of unfinished projects and old, rusted pieces of machinery. My eyes settled on a rickety old cart filled with wood.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now