Seventeen: Going Home

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing home?" I asked her. It was clear she had been crying. But then this other person came from her room.

"This is Kian" She said wiping her tears

"Nice to meet you?" I questioned

"Nice to meet you too" He said smiling

"I'll see you guys later" He said leaving our place 

"Who is that? Why is he here?" I asked

"He said his name and he is a friend" Lexi said shaking her head

"Where is Luke?" I asked

"He's in jail" Lexi said trying not to cry

"They think he killed Theo" Lexi said

"He was with us so there is no way he could have" I said

"They don't believe me" She said and then there was a knock on our door. I went over and opened it to show Micheal. I rolled my eyes and opened the door more so he could come in.

"Hey guys, they are letting Luke out. They don't have enough evidence as of right now" Michael said 

"Let's go get him then" Lexi said going to her room

"Did you really have to tell my parents that it was best if I was pulled out of school" I said 

"It's not safe" Michael said groaning at me

"I'm a big girl I can handle my self" I said 

"No, you can't" He said 

"Can we get going now?" Lexi said staring at us fighting 

"Sure" I said

We were sitting waiting for Luke to come out. Sorry if it sounds rude but right now I'm only thinking about myself. I don't want to leave being here was my one place to get away from all the bullshit that was going on at home.


"Theo, don't go to the party please" I said to him as he was putting his belt buckle on. 

"Come with" He said smirking 

"I have a big test tomorrow" I said sighing 

"Come on" He said looking me up and down

"Hey, you ready to go" Michael said coming into the room

"Yes, you coming with?" Theo asked one last time

"I HATE YOU" I heard his mom scream from downstairs. 

"YOU ARE A SLUT AND NO ONE COULD EVER LOVE YOU!" I heard his dad scream back

"YOU ARE A MONSTER" She screamed you could hear her crying. Just then you could hear the loudest slap in the world. 

"She gets what she deserves" Theo said grabbing his coat off his door.

"I'll come with" I said

"Good" Theo said 


"LUKE" Lexi said running over to him

"Hey Luke" Michael said 

"Hey guys" He said smiling like he wasn't accused of killing Theo. We all walk out of the police station together.

"I have a plan" Luke said

"What?" I asked

"I wanna find the person who killed Theo" Luke said and all of the sudden Lexi went super pale.

"Lexi knows something" I said

"I don't" She said

"Tell us what you know" I said

"I don't know anything" She said getting mad

"Just fucking tell us" I said 

"Sam, chill" Michael said 

"Leave her alone" Luke said

"What is up your butt" Lexi said 

"I'm going" I said leaving them all in the parking lot

I was walking back to my dorm and my parents were outside my dorm. I sighed and they just kept smiling at me. I walked over and unlocked my dorm.

"Sam, this will only be for a little bit" My mom said

"It's for your safety" My dad said

"I get it" I said 

"That nice young man, Noah stopped by" My mom said

"What did he want?" I asked as I started to pack some essential stuff.

"We told him that we were taking you home for a little bit and he seemed super sad" My mom said

"Of course he did" I said grabbing my two suitcases I packed. We left my dorm and Noah was standing right out front of my door with flowers.

"Noah" I said

"Just wanted to give you these so you have something at home from me" He said with a huge smile. I took them from him and smiled back at him.

"Bye Noah" I said and as my family was walking away with me. We heard gun shots like they were almost close to us.

"What the hell" I said looking over to Noah who was on the floor.

"NOAH" I screamed and ran over to him.

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