18. Average Day At Shalour High

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"I don't know how to feel.. relief is definitely something I feel, though." Serena said, offering a weak smile, as Dawn returned the smile.


Ursula skipped down the hallway, stopping once she reached Ash's locker. The raven haired boy was tucking his bag into his locker, unaware of his ex girlfriend's presence.

"Hey Ashy." Ursula chimed. Ash froze at the sound of Ursula's voice.. she was talking to him? He quickly changed his expression into a smile, before he turned around to face her. "Hey Ursula!" He smiled, before noticing how happy and well kept she looked.. a complete contrast of how she'd looked the past few days.

"You look happy.." Ash smiled, earning a smile back from the pink haired girl. "I definitely feel happier. I wanted to speak to you about something." The girl insisted. "Sure, what's up?" Ash asked. "Well.. Misty confessed to me last night that she lied about you cheating on me.. and you writing the love letters to Dawn. I felt a lot better knowing you were really loyal to me. After our break up I really went downhill.. I felt so alone and used. To know you didn't do any of this to me, makes me so relieved. Don't get me wrong as happy as I look I am absolutely outraged at Misty." The girl explained. Ash felt relieved to know she had finally believed him.

"I wanted to apologise for the way I acted to you, it was terrible. You mean so much to me, and I.. feel horrible for hurting you." Ursula explained. Ash was surprised by this apology, and felt relieved the girl believed the truth. "Is there... anything I can do for you to.. forgive me?" The pink haired girl asked softly. Ash blinked in surprise, "Ursula.. it's already done. You're forgiven. You were manipulated by your best friend, I understand why you acted the way that you did." The boy insisted.

A small smile formed on Ursula's face, she felt so grateful for Ash.. he was a really understanding guy and had such a big heart. "Thank you Ashy." She chimed, before she leant forward and did something that surprised Ash.. she kissed his cheek. As Ursula leant away, she noticed Ash's cheeks had reddened and she couldn't help but to smirk a little bit. The girl then spun around and walked down the hallway, putting her hands in her leather jacket pockets.


Dawn and Serena had just entered the hallway, the moment Ursula kissed Ash's cheek. Dawn gave the pink haired girl a slight glare before she turned to Serena.

"Did you just see that?" The cheerleader asked, jealousy in her tone. "Uh yeah, I did." Serena sweatdropped. "Damn Dawn, you sound jealous." The blonde teased. Dawn blushed slightly, feeling flustered, but didn't verbally respond to Serena.

Serena had expected the girl to give her something back, and then stopped in surprise. "You.. have a crush on Ash." The blonde blurted quietly, as Dawn turned to face her again. "Maybe I do." The girl confessed, knowing Serena was the one person she couldn't hide things from.. the girl was basically becoming her sister.

"Wow.. I was expecting you to be in denial." Serena sweatdropped. "Nah. You're the one in denial with your crush on Gary.." Dawn teased, as Serena now became flustered. "I do not have a crush on Gary!" The girl huffed, though she couldn't deny deep down that she felt something for him.

The pair approached Hilda and Iris, who gave them weird looks at Dawn and Serena were still blushing. "Morning lovelies." Hilda chimed, as she closed her locker. "Good morning!" Dawn chimed back. "May apparently has something to tell us." Iris said to Dawn and Serena.


Gary entered the hallway, feeling eyes peer at him from students. He shot a glare and the silence came to an end as the loud chatter began again, though the boy couldn't help but feel like he was the talk of the school at the moment.

"Gary, is true you're single now?"

"Hey Oak, is it true you dumped Misty?"

"Gary, how do you feel that Misty cheated on you?"

"Hey jacket boy, what do you now think of Paul?"

"Gary! Why won't you answer our questions?"

Students loudly asked questions as he walked through the corridor, but he ignored them all. The brunette got to his locker, which was conveniently next to Pauls.

The purple haired boy peered over at his friend, "Hey Gary, how ya doing?" Paul asked, hoping to strike up conversation. Gary felt rage flow through him, at the sound of Paul's voice.

He faced Paul, before he balled his hand into a fist. "How do you think I'm doing!?" The boy asked angrily, before he raised his fist and punched Paul square in the face, with no hesitation.

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