Chapter 3

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I've been locked inside for the past few days, trying to get some work done, trying to forget, & move on.

The war had taken a pretty harsh turn, my dictator found out about the 'incident' approximately 12:30 on a Monday, in the middle of a meeting, shamed me for it, his wife takes to me, some looked at me in disgust, & others pitied me.

France has gotten worried for my well being, she tries to at least see me to the end of the war, doubt I'll make it though. Hell what can a 14 year old do? I'm not even if age to run a country as my league puts it.

What am I going to do with myself.

Poland tries to comfort me but, emotions aren't his strong point, he knows what it feels like to have your body used & tossed aside, so he tries.

"Knock knock?" It was Italy.
I muster up most of my 'I'm completely ok, & have no childhood trauma' act, "Come in," I respond, my voice crackings bit. She obviously noticed.

Italy walked in, her uniform freshly pressed, her moves graceful, her eyes holding sorrow. "I should come back a different time?" She said walking around my desk, pulling up a chair & sitting next to me. "No." I needed someone's presence right now. It felt nice. Safe.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before she took me in a hug, & I just hugged back &
Broke down right there. We sat there & she whispered 'it's alright' it know' 'just let it all out'. I'm not one for emotions, so when I break, I break.

After a few hours, ya I know, pathetic. I finally called down. "You look like you haven't slept in days," she said pulling away & looking at my features steadily. "How could you tell," I scoffed, sending her a sad smile. "Come on, I can't sit here anymore & watch you waste away,  dear god," she joked, dragging me out of my office & towards my corders. "Get some sleep, we'll talk later," she said closing my door & leaving.

I walked to my closet to get dressed. When I removed my shirt, I took a glance at the mirror, at all the marks littering my body. Their marks from digging their fingered into my hips, the purple, red spots, few bleeding, bite marks. They really broke me, huh? I sigh & finish getting dressed, removing my boots & removing my trousers, replacing everything with my sleep wear.

I climbed into the bed, relaxing my muscles. God, everything aches. Took a while to get comfortable, but once I was, I was out like a light.

——— The next day because I'm a lazy ass helicopter——-

After my morning routine, getting dressed & all that shit, I was in my office (again), yes again now shut the hell up bitch  (fuck you). Italy said she had something to talk to me about, it couldn't wait either. I kinda already knew what was coming.

"Knock knock," that was her, she always has a little thing to her knocks. "Come in," I respond. I'm gonna miss her. "Hey TR," she said taking a seat in front of my desk. "Hey miss Snow White," I joking smirked, taking a seat across from her. "What is it you wanted to discuss?" I kicked off the conversations. "I'm leaving the axis." She said suddenly. "Good," I said taking her hand in mine. "I know why, you're ashamed of this road. You're in love. If you leave now you'll probably be forgiven, I understand that," I whispered giving her a soft smile. "Really?" She mumbled, looking down at me. "Yeah," I gave her hand a squeeze, & she pulled me into a hug. "You could always read me like an open book, Magical I say," she joked. "Yeah yeah, now get out of here & get a life," I said playfully nudging her. "Heh, fuck you," she said before leaving. "Bye," I mumbled.

—— somewhat 9 human months later because it's midnight & I have school  tomorrow :)——

I sat quietly in my bed, puffy eyes, red to the face. France snuck away to be here for me. I'm glad, it was her grandsons I bore.

She comforted me the entire time, I had a natural, at home birth as they call it, to keep a low profile. I cried & just whispered 'I'm sorry' the entire time.

When they brought the two boys out to me, France gasped, & happiness filled her eyes, one of her bright motherly smiles formed, as she glanced at me.

"Congrats France, you're finally a grandmother,"  I joked trying big to lighten the mood a bit. She snickered a bit & kisses my forehead. "You did great, dear," she beamed at me.

They held a strong resemblance to my sister, Weimar Republic, but different markings. I missed her, I held a smile to my face as they were handed off to me. You couldn't really tell who the fathers were (fuck me gently with a chainsaw), unless you looked really closely to their facial features, & soon their eyes.

I'll protect them. I'll give them the love I never got from my real parent. I'll be the best.

—————-19-9-9-19 1945 how does a Nazi, bastard, racist hoe, of a country, who prospers & grows into a- (shut the fuck up)————-

Today was the battle of Berlin.
My dictator & his wife had me follow them into a bunker. They made me sign something, to keep my mouth shut, & to swore me to secrecy.

I watched his wife pop a pill, & drift off into a slumbering death. I was horrified, as I watched my league pull a gun & take his own life.

I cowered into a corner. Childhood trauma probably written all along my face. I watched them take their lives like it was nothing. It was horrifying.

I shakily took the pistol & waited. Holding my sons to my chest. Hoping & praying it would all turn out alright. They were surprisingly asleep (don't question it). I heard troops approaching & searching through area, I moved to a different room away from the corpses.

I took deep breaths & brought my wings nicely around my two dearest processions. "It'll be ok, I promise," I whispered.

I heard door being kicked in, one by one. When the one I was in was kicked in, I immediately took aim, don't get me wrong, I've never killed anyone, that was my leader, I just took the blame,& I don't plan on it, but my sons are at stake here.

I saw the figure stop & approach me slowly. I can't do it, I can't kill anyone. That's not who I am, I am not my dictator, I am me.

"If you're gonna kill me. At least take my sons to France," I mumbled. Lowering the gun.
"Why?" Shit.

It was America.

It's midnight, I have school tomorrow.

Online school, sucks major ass.

Right night sexy people.

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