» 05.

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louis was in a foul mood. he left his mother's mood in a huff and headed to the men's bathroom once more, and then shut himself inside a cubicle. he hadn't come out for fifteen minutes so the doctor went to the mckenzie family.

"hello, mr, mrs and miss mckenzie. there seemed to be a misunderstanding between young louis and i earlier. i do understand about his mental health problems, i haven't taken that into account for his actions, however i do need your opinions on what i should do next. i have told him that his mother will soon be well, healthy and able to come home but he will have to stay in a care home for the time being whilst she's recovering; i lied. she is not going to get better, it's almost certain that when she awakes from her coma, she will not at all survive. i knew i couldn't tell louis this however." ashleigh's jaw dropped slightly as did steve and vivians, all in unision.

if this wasn't such a serious situation, it could be branded quite comedic their reactions.

vivian had tears now welled up in her eyes, holding onto her daughter's hand who had nonstop thoughts of worry for louis and what his reaction would be like. steve held his wife in his arms and allowed her to shake with fright and sadness. despite only knowing the family for not even a day, they connected so well.

ashleigh wanted to tell louis about the doctor lying to him, but she knew that it would destroy him and he would never be happy again. that would make her incrediby guilty and her life a pit full of sadness as well; this would lead to her parents being sad because their daughter is sad. it's a knock on domino effect.

"he could stay with us instead." vivian managed to sniffle out looking at her husband before her daughter. ashleigh was more eager then steve, but steve knew that he would being a good deed if they took on louis. he would be a complete handful though.

"i'm going to go talk to him." ashleigh announces before running off the mens bathroom.

hopefully there is no men actually peeing in there.


"why are you here, you're not supposed to be in here, this is the men's toilet!?" louis seems alarmed to see ashleigh bursting through the doors of the toilet, he wasn't doing 'anything' fortunately for her innocent eyes' benefit.

"i wanted to talk to you." she tells him calmly, perching herself down on the un-sanitised floor. you could tell they don't even clear the men's toilets as much as the women's. ashleigh grimaced at her surroundings but knew that the reason why she was here was because she needed to inform louis about him living with her, not to complain about the floor and the spreading of diseases.

"okay?" louis looks away from ashleigh now, this was his defensive act to guard himself for whatever she was about to say. he knew it must be something quite serious as she was frowning ever so much. louis had taken his time to study her expressions even if it was a short amount of times. she was quite an animated person, it was amusing for him.

"this is going to be quite hard to hear at first but you need to see that there is so positive arguments as well as negative ones. just think about it." louis nods his head wearily and she continues with a sigh, "you're coming to live with my family and i."

louis' heart almost stopped beating for a second at that completely unexpected news. sure it was better then staying with people he doesn't even know, in a house with so many other humans louis would completely struggle to breathe; but he barely knew the mckenzie's either. how can he trust them? sure the daughter doesn't seem to be bad, steve treats him like the father louis never had and vivian is a trained person who understand's his condition. if you put it like that, you can see there is a lot of positive points about this plan.

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