Prinxiety (Lost Bet)

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Third person omniscient P.O.V

 “C’mon, Virge!” Patton pressured. “It’ll be fun!” All the sides sat in the mind-space. It was game night, the night Virgil always backed out on. Everyone is included, but the room is divided between Dark and Light sides.

  “Yeah, you always show up anyway,” Deceit commented. Virgil shot a glare at him and bit his tongue to stop him from hissing. Everyone was staring at him, expecting and hoping for him to stay.

  “Fine,” Virgil growled as he made his way to the couch. Remy smiled and patted him on the back.

  “Hey, I’m surprised he actually convinced you,” he said. Virgil mumbled in silent agreement.

  “Okay, so what are we playing first?” Patton asked.

  “What about Devil’s Bet?” Roman suggested. Devil’s Bet was a game the sides created. The sides gather in a circle and a plastic cup is set in the center. Someone is blindfolded and someone else pours a drink into the cup. The blindfolded person then has to guess what's in the cup. If they guess correctly, they get a point and choose the next person to drink. If they get it incorrectly, they have a bet with the person opposite of them.

  “Great idea, Roman!” Patton says. He grabs a cup and sets it in the middle of the circle everyone formed.

  “I’ll go first,” he said, wrapping the blindfold over his eyes. Deceit fetches a drink and pours it in the cup. Patton picked it up and took a sip.

  “Cranberry juice!” He said with enthusiasm. Deceit confirmed his guess and Patton scanned the room for the next person.

  “Virgil should go next since he finally decided to join us,” Roman said. He had to admit, he was elated Virgil finally gave in about game night. He had a small crush on the boy, but being the strong, prideful prince, he could never let anyone know.

  “Alright, here ya go, kiddo,” Patton handed Virgil the blindfold. He hesitantly took it and slowly tied it behind his head. Deceit then fetched a bottle that was obviously Vodka and poured a little in the cup.

  “No peeking,” he said.

  He sat down and silently put a spell on the drink, making it taste like something different.

  “Orange Juice?” Virgil said. When he took a small sip.

  “Nope. Looks like you have a bet with Princey,” Remus teased. Virgil’s face began to turn a light pink as he removed the blindfold and stared at Roman.

  Roman glanced at Deceit, to which the snake smiled and winked.

  “Uhh…  Virgil has to arm wrestle with me,” Roman finally decided.

  “What happens if he fails to successfully beat you in this task?” Logan asked.

  “Um, well… I haven’t figured that out yet,” Roman said with a glance at Virgil. He inched forward and put his elbow on the table, holding out his hand to Roman. Roman clasped his hand over Virgil’s and looked him in the eyes.

  Virgil began to go even more red and had to look away.

  “3...2...1… go!” Emile shouted. Both Roman and Virgil began fighting each other’s strength, but Roman won quickly and easily. Virgil sighed in defeat and glanced at Roman, ready for whatever was next.

  “Uhh… here I’ll just…” Roman trailed off as he grabbed Virgil by the hand and darted to his room.

  “Uhh… That just happened,” Remy commented.

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