*Chapter Five* {Let the Right One in}

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"I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night" Damon suggests simply.

"Yeah, and then what?" Stefan asks him watching Damon board up the window the two vampires had broken through the previous night. "We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say, 'Oops, sorry'?" Stefan asks him.

"I can't believe you made a deal with her" Elena scoffs shaking her head.

"A deal was never made" Viktoria speaks up for the first time since the incident. Damon glances at his all too calm wife. She was sitting in her favorite chair being oddly silent. Both Damon and Stefan knew nothing good came from an angry yet silent Viktoria.

Only, anger isn't strong enough to describe the emotion's Viktoria is feeling. She felt livid, over come with rage. She wanted blood, she wanted revenge and by God she was going to get it. One way or another, the tomb vampires were going to die.


Viktoria hasn't decided yet. She didn't know how she wanted to go about this situation. Would she simply slaughter the lot of them? Or would she play along with what Pearl wanted and kill them when they least expected it?

"It was more like a helpful exchange of information" Damon continues when Viktoria falls silent. 

Elena can't help but to stare at Viktoria. The blonde vampire hadn't moved from her spot since Elena arrived. She simply sat there with a neutral face while swirling the remaining bourbon in her glass. There's a distant look in her eyes that left an unsettling feeling in the pit of Elena's stomach.

Elena doesn't know Viktoria all that well, they've only had one conversation. Damon's talked about her a lot but it's one thing to hear about someone and actually see them for yourself. One thing both Damon and Stefan seemed to agree on is that an angry Viktoria is a dangerous one.

"Besides, she's gonna help us find Katherine" Damon brought up gaining Stefan and Elena's attention.

"Katherine?" Stefan asks frowning his eyebrows. "Why do you care about Katherine?"

"I don't" Damon said nodding towards Viktoria.

"Why does she care?" Elena found herself asking before she could stop herself.

"Because, little girl," Viktoria says before drowning the rest of her drink. Elena suddenly wishes she were invisible as Viktoria's gaze turns onto her. "Katherine is the main reason why I was stuck in the filthy tomb for well over a century" She said as if it were obvious. "I want her head and Pearl said she would help me get it in exchange for my and Damon's services" 

"We're gonna have to figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires" Stefan tells them.

"I can't wait" Viktoria says with a sadistic grin. She stands from her seat and leaves the room. Damon follows after her.

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