"Sa~m! You in here?!? I see Golems, so I assume you are, somewhere?" I heard Uric call from somewhere below me, and I looked up from the silver grid I was inlaying into the pedestal of Sun-Crystal the size of my whole body, the Heart of the Ship.

'I'm in the Cargo Hold, enchanting the Hull to make it Tougher; what do you need, Uric?' -Samantha.

He knocked on the Hull about thirty feet away from me, and chuckled at the extremely solid sound. "I'd say you're doing great!!! Hellen and Kenny are back, and I volunteered to come bother you! Jack is at your Shop with them, studying the Monsters on the Dungeons around here, if you're interested!"

'I'm very nearly finished, beyond the final enchantments and attaching the Masts and Sails, which I cannot do inside this room; I will be home in about three hours, I think... I apologize for the wait, this should've been finished before they got back from their Vacation. There were some unfortunate Delays.' -Samantha. I stopped fiddling with the Grid, leaving it finished, and set the Sun Key, -what I'd decided on calling the smaller crystal, as the ship wouldn't move if it was removed, only levitate and maintain its Point-Specific Gravity in place on auxiliary power and Necromantic Energy,- into the Pedestal, the Sun-Heart, before stepping out of the room, locking the small silver door behind me and heading up to the Helm.

Uric hopped up onto the ship as I began examining the Helm, and approached swiftly. "What kinda delays? Anything you need help with? Somebody giving you trouble for building a ship?"

"No... I miscalculated the time it would take to develop this Helm and Ship, and to make it so anyone could use it, even an NPC that has the proper Permissions... apparently, the Game has its own ideas about who is allowed to pilot ships, and Players are not on that List. I had to get special permission from a GM, which was an irritating and long-winded conversation." I explained, and activated the Helm, turning on the Sun Heart.

Purple and Gold light began to emanate from the ship, and the Helm, a simple glass screen set around the two wheels that controlled the movement of the ship, lit up briefly as well, showing the status of the ship.

Current Sailing Capabilities: 5%
Issue Report: Missing Masts
Current Flight Capabilities: 20%
Issue Report: Missing Sails
Current Combat Capabilities: 50%
Issue Report: All Maneuvers Inaccessible
Current Stealth Capabilities: 0%
Issue Report: Missing Sails
Current Comfort Capabilities: 80%
Status Repost: Missing Sails.

"Mm... so my Air Conditioning idea worked... good; this place is like a Sauna, constantly, and so humid!" I sighed, pulling my shirt away from my skin, where the heat of the day was already making me sweat. A quick press of the screen made a cold wind pass over me, cooling me to a comfortable 50 degrees, just like I liked it.

Uric shivered, rubbing his shoulders and stepping away from me swiftly. "What the Hell, Sam?!? I know you're used to living in a freezer, but I actually like the heat!!!"

"And I do not; considering it is my Ship and my Workshop, I will have the thermostat at whatever I like, and you will bundle up or shut up." I tossed him the Cloak of Shadows I'd made, then tapped the screen again, looking for the Arcane Cannons.

Combat Options: 6
1: Fire Targeted Broadside
2: Fire Warning Shot
3: Fire Individual Cannon
4: Fire Chase Cannons
5: Fire Figurehead Cannon
6: Fire Arcane Turrets

"Nice... Sailing Options?"

Sailing Options: 1
1: Drop/Raise Anchor
2: Accelerate/Decelerate
3: Turn Left/Right

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