Donny Meets Sharlene 2

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It's my first day in my new school. I am from Korea but I don't want to remember Korea so I decided to change my name according to my want (in my papers only not in record)

"Good morning, my name is Sharlene Saavedra. I'm from Bulacan."

"Welcome to Brighton International School Sharlene."

My classmates told me.

On my first day, I felt relieved because my classmates are nice. I have to be good to them, because I have to observe them.

Second day.

As I am seated on my seat. A guy suddenly seated beside me.

"Sharlene," someone whispered.

"Sharlene," then another one whispered.

I looked at them. Then I noticed the guy sleeping beside me.

They pointed the guy.

"Why?" I asked them in whisper.

Then, they seated properly as the teacher enters.

"Everybody is disciplined except the one seated beside me."

I tried to wake him up but he ignored me.

Then during our class. The guy will just raise his hand and answer our teacher's question.

"Yes Donato."

Yes, his name is Donato. He is the most intelligent in our class. He only sleeps yet, answers every question our teacher asks.

For that one week. Never have I get the chance to introduce my name to him.

I hate my Math subject while he can compute even closes his eyes. I want to ask help from him, but chances are nowhere. I was not able to get any chance to talk to him for a week.

My true personality is starting to come out. I am already thinking ways how to attrack attention.

"Anyway, mom and dad are not in the Philippines so I can do whatever I want. Granmama will just come and visit me in case I will be in trouble," I told myself.

Again, it's Monday. But Donato still ignores me, with my classmates initiative as well,

"Cockroach!" I shouted and go on top of my chair.

Donato was frightened so he woke up and go on top of his chair too.

Our classroom was filled with laughters. Everybody is laughing except Donato.

Donato looked at me. I was happily laughing. I didn't even noticed how many seconds he looked at me while laughing.

But still I can't stop laughing. I can't believe that the brightest among us is afraid of cockroach.


It was my first time to see a very happy girl of my age. I know I've met her before but I can't recall. Time stopped as I am looking at her. I ignored their laughters, we seem to be only two being carried by the clouds. I felt I have to smile as well. I felt like she has that something that is making me feel want to be happy again.

"STOHHHHHHHHHHHP," a very loud voice stopped us.

The girl beside me suddenly sitdown and so do I.

I saw our very angry teacher.

"You are inside the classroom but you feel like you are at the sports arena. How could you make such noise."

All of us stood up except the girl beside me. She's a transferee so she don't know our class rules. I pulled her to stand up.

"We are sorry sir. We won't do it again. We are really sorry sir."

Then our teacher calms down.

"Take your seat."

That time I started to open my eyes. I looked at her. Then smiled at her.


I feel like a balloon being carried by the wind. He smiled at me and it is making me very happy.

But I have to pretend I am not that happy. I have to pretend as if I did not see him.

Then he wrote something in his notebook.

[What's your name?]

I want to say my name right away but our classroom is too silent except our teacher's voice.

[I'm Sharlene]

[Pretty good to meet you, Shar. Just call me Donny]

Then our class was dismissed.

I am about to hang out with my newly found friends in school but Donny asked if I could let him borrow my notes.

"Of course," I answered. "But you might not be able to read my penmanship."

"No problem, just come and read it for me."

"Read it for you? I can't even understand it, how can I..."

"If you don't understand then you study."

I am supposed to smile comfortably but how can I? I can't just go with him.

"Yes, I have to study alone," I told him then go with my friends.

But actually, after going out at our classroom, I can't really stay with them, I went to the library instead. And besides, I don't undertand all that they are saying.

While scanning the content of the book I chose to study, I got a cut from the paper and blood started to come out from my finger.

I got worried. Then I am supposed to get a handkerchief in my bag when a handkerchief suddenly appeared on top of my hand.

As I looked up. It's Donny.

"I also experienced that before. Cover it then let's go at the clinic," he said then tidy up my things.

He held my arm and we went out of the library.

Outside the library...

"Let go," I told him.

"You think I am that weak to be afraid of that small cut in my hand?"

"I never say that."

"I don't need to go to the clinic."

"Look at your hand."

I was shocked to see a lot of bloodstain on the handkerchief.

"Clinic or classroom?"

Then I immediately run at the clinic feeling so nervous. I left my bag and my other things to him.


I was laughing so hard when Shar got back to where she left me.

"Are you that happy?"she asked me.

Still I can't hold my laughters. I keep on laughing and laughing.


I never noticed how good looking Donny is until I saw him laughing comfortably. I enjoyed staring at him while laughing.

I wanted to hit him or shout at him because of what he did but I can't. That someone who sleeps a lot, who ignores people around him, who never laughs is now laughing loudly.

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