So you're my slave?

Start from the beginning

“Yeah but I was hoping he would just been an asshole and not have sad story behind it” I grumbled. 

Ben couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “That’s what I thought too. But C’mon you have to remember a bit of his good side when he was younger. During  grades school, he was a nice guy.  Sucked at reading but was an O.K kid.” 

“I guess” I said sarcastically.

“Your mom’s coming” He froze.

“She’s here?!” I panic. He hurried to the coat closet and hid. Why do they all do that! THE CLOSET DOESN’T HELP!  My mom came inside covered in snow. She cleaned her feet on the rug as she zipped her winter coat off. Before she went to hang her coat, I hurried and grabbed it. “Let me hang it for you, mom” I smiled.

“Thanks, mija” She said awkwardly already suspicious with my actions.

“Hows Martha?” I said quickly this immediately distracted her. She let out a sigh and took a seat on the chair.

“Well not too good. She’s really depressed, and I’m thinking of calling therapist to see her. She’s storing a lot of grief inside her and I can’t get her to talk to me about it” My mom said feeling sad  for not being the one able to help her. But it’s not like Martha can be completely open with her either way.

"How about I try talking to her." I suggested.

"Try tomorrow. Just so she doesn't feel alone" she said as she went to the refrigerator. Slowly I heard the closet door open and glance to see Ben's face. I tried to think of way to distract her long enough but then I hear yelling; it's too late I have to fess up.

"Mom I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-

"How could you! How could you eat all the tamales! ANTONIO! HE'S HERE ISN'T HE!"

I couldn't help but get a bit pissed off with my mom. She can figure out about small things but can't tell the difference between a wolf and a dog.

“No Mom he isn-

“SAMMY I NEED TOILET PAPER, THESE TAMALES ARE GIVING ME PAY BACK” Antonio cried from the upstairs bathroom. I can feel my mom burning holes in the back of my head.

“Tell Antonio that he better be up next weekend to make a hundred tamales” Mom said getting the last tamale that Antonio purposely left for her. I hurried upstairs to give Antonio his damn toilet paper and heads up that my mom knows he’s here already. Before I was able to get to the bathroom door, the whole second floor stank.

“Antonio! You killed our bathroom!” I yelled as I held my nose and cracked the bathroom door slightly enough to throw the toilet paper at him without looking and closing the door right away.

“THANK YOU” He replied.

“Just so you know, my mom knows you ate the tamales and is seriously pissed off. She’s said next weekend you have to make tamales” I said repeating what she told me.

“AWESOME” He answered happily not considering it a punishment at all.

“Yeah, awesome, but you can’t eat a single one when your done” I said sounding funny with holding my nose to avoid the stench.

“NOO!!!” He cried again. I felt no sympathy for him. That tamale-monster-eating-addict deserves it!

“Also my mom doesn’t know Ben is inside the house. So keep that hush” I whispered.

“Gotcha” He groaned on the otherside. I went back downstairs to make sure my mom didn’t check the closet again. Fortunately enough she was eating her tamale at the table, still pissed off not having any extras to eat.  Soonly enough Antonio came down after with a scared expression on his face.

I can tell my mom was having a nice time scaring Antonio with her fake mean angry face. Although Antonio ate all the tamales, my mom can’t find herself to stay angry at him for along. My mom usually gives in and decides to pretend she’s still angry to scare him off.

“I’ll see you next weekend Antonio bright and early” She said sickenly sweet. I can hear Antonio gulp nodding, hurrying to get his jacket from the closet. I didn’t have time to stop him before…


Mom jumped from her chair to find tawny brown wolf in the closet. She gave out a long exasperated sigh “Another dog! Sammy what happened to the other dog you had! Nevermind. I don’t want to know, dog outside” She ordered.

“Wait thats no dog, its a wo-” I covered Antonio mouth’s leading him to the door.

“Sorry Mom, I’ll take him out” I smiled as I  opened the door with Antonio . I gave Ben a look to get the hell out the house. He hurried out his tail between his legs. At this point Antonio licked my hand causing me yelp.

“GROSS SO GROSS” I tried to whisper but it came in a squealing voice. Antonio was already out of my grasp, freaking out about the wolf that was in my front porch. Why can’t he just be like me and go with flow?

“Why the fuck is there a wolf here?”

“Wolf? No. It’s a dog.” I grinned hoping he would just let it go. He gave me an orginal are-you-fuckin-kiding-look.

“I’m not an idiot Sammy! and I want explanation right now!” Antonio demanded. Ben didn’t seem to enjoy him yelling at me and started to growl which then caused to freak out Antonio even more.

“Ben quit it !”  I snapped. Ben stopped his jaw opened. At first I didn’t  realize what I said and then I slapped my forehead. Antonio gave me a weird look and then continued ranting questions and accusation.  As  if things weren’t going bad as it is, Ben shifted. Bones cracking and fur sinking back inside may or or may have not scar Antonio for life.

“Please for fucken sakes, shut-the fuck up” Ben scoweled. Antonio froze completely silent.  Well at least he’s quiet.

“W-w-what d-did I just saw” Antonio stuttered. I put my hand over Antonio’s shoulder squeezing it tight.

“Well, I’m just gonna cut to the chase here. Ben’s a werewolf, and he’s forever my slave.” I said jokingly. I was hoping this would ease off the tension. Antonio shook his in disbelief which I kinda figure he would do.

“No it’s not possible, it breaks every scientific thing I’ve ever learned, the human body isn’t able to ... ” He went out  about some kind of scientifically crap that we learned in school. I told Ben to take a seat on the ground as I sat on the dirt with him. I leaned my head on his shoulder waiting causally for Antonio to stop talking.

“So, what’s Josh’s gonna say about you switching to my awesome mini pack” I said knowing full well, that this was not a pack whatsoever.

“The question, you should be asking, is what Josh is going to do to me?” He chuckled sadly.

A/N So yes, not my best work but I did my best. I hope you have a great upcoming christmas. And pray for me that I don’t fail my finals :’(

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