25: august 4 2011

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Ellie froze as the lock of the front door clicked, terrified that Morgan would catch her, but the sound of voices from the kitchen overpowered every other noise. She frowned and leaned against the wall, listening, praying that nobody would walk out of the living room and see her, with all her hair and clothes a mess from -- from --

The thought of him brought heat to her cheeks, but before she could even think about it, the volume of their argument rose.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Morgan, you have a family." It was Jack. "Do you honestly think I enjoy doing this?"

"You make it sound like I'm some sort of fucking chore."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "I never said you were a chore, babe. But every time I see you I'm taking you further and further away from your family. Fuck, babe, you have a husband. You have three kids. As if that's right."

Holding her breath, Ellie took a few steps forward and peeked around the corner, into the living room. Neither Morgan nor Jack were facing her, as they argued from behind the sofas, and Ellie took the opportunity to sprint on tip-toes to the staircase, ready to bolt up and hide in her room for as long as she could until Morgan disappeared. She almost made it.

"Ellie!" Roman whisper-shouted, leaping up to hug her. She jumped, startled, just as Dan's hand snaked out from the shadows and pulled Ro back down.

"Sh, Ro, they'll hear us," he said, his ear pressed against the stair banister. It was dark here; the only light came from the living room, and the shadows cut sharp angles into Dan's face. He made a quick face at his sister. "Hey, Elle," he mouthed.

She smiled and sat down next to him, hoping he wouldn't notice how messy her hair was, or her clothes. "Have fun without me?" she whispered.

"If you can call it fun." He ran a hand through his hair. "Listen."

She listened.

"I don't know, M," Jack was saying; Ellie could hear the sound of his footfalls as he paced. "You have kids."

"You've already said that," she said, then groaned. "I don't get why it matters to you now. It never did before. It doesn't change anything between us. Come on, babe, just --" There was a pause, and then she said, "What the fuck, Jack?"

"Don't kiss me right now, Morgan, seriously? I'm not gonna forget about this."

She groaned. "Why does it matter to you so much?"

"I have two younger brothers. I know for a fucking fact it affects them, and they're both legal adults now. Your kids aren't even legal yet. Can you imagine how much this fucks them up?"

"I --"

"Remember that time you told me that you never saw your mum when you were a kid, and your dad was an alcoholic and would spend his money on whiskey over food for the family? Does that not ring any bells?"

There was silence for a moment. Then: "When did I tell you that?"

He sighed. "Few weeks ago. I've been thinking about it since . . . I guess it's sort of what led to this." He sighed again. "You were hell out of it, had one too many and were getting emotional, so I asked if you were okay, and you said . . . that." There was a beat. "Think of what that shit with your parents did to you and then think about the three kids in this house."

Another pause. "I need a cigarette," Morgan muttered.

Jack sighed, for the third time. "I just don't want to hurt those kids. Or your husband."

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