"Are you sure you don't wanna talk? Cause Jason won't like that." she asked. I sighed. No he would not.

"Where is he anyways? Shouldn't be be out now?" I asked looking around the cafeteria. Hazel shrugged. Jason is my boyfriend for about a year now. But his schedule was almost like mine, since he would complain about not getting to see me alot, I changed my schedule as much as I could to fit his. So we would have similar free times if not them all. I really missed his company right now. My phone, as if reading my mind, buzzed. I unlocked it.

Sweet Cakes: Think you can meet me at our spot?

I smiled and replied. It was a rather long story as to why his name was Sweet Cakes.

Me: I'll be there in 5 minutes.

I got up from my seat and kissed Hazel goodbye. I threw my garbage away and headed towards the back of the school. I smiled. I was going to see him. I still felt nervous. I breathe deeply and turned the corner and opened my mouth to call to him but my voice, it didn't want to speak. I was chocking on air. My head begun to pound and spin. It's not real. It's not real. I stepped back automatically as I heard the click of a camera. Jason's head snapped towards me. Realization hit me. I hunched over trying not to puke. Everything was moving too fast.




I closed my eyes. That was the worst thing I could have done. The images flooded back through my mind. Jason's lips attached to that of Dexter's. His hands, the ones that I allowed to touch me, pinned Dexter's above his head. My mind raced. Why now? Why me? I straightened up. Everything happened in slow motion. I couldn't process it all.

Jason rushed over towards me but I stepped back instinctively. That hurt even more. My eyes were red and I knew the tears had fallen. This hurts. It hurts so much. Why me?

"Wait! Let me explain!" Jason said stepping towards me again .

"What's there to explain?" I asked trying not to break down. Jason stepped closer as I took two steps back.

"I have a reason. Just listen please!" He pleaded stepping closer. If he came too close, my anger would vanish and I would forgive him just like that.

"Don't. Please. Don't come any closer." I pledded. My eyes burned. I turned on my heel and took off running back to school. I ignored him calling my name. I grabbed my bag from my locker and took off out of school. To where? I don't know. Anywhere was better than school. But I couldn't go home. I ran and ran and ran. I ended up in the woods. My little heaven. I walked towards my cabin and threw my bag down and screamed as loud as I could. Why me? I fell to the ground and broke down.

No one knew about this place. I cried again. This was happening all over again. I was loosing grip on reality. I was in pain. I was confused. I couldn't get the image out of my head. Somehow, I thought I deserved it. I cried and cried. It was happening again. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't go home. My brother was already drunk by now and I couldn't stand his beatings right now. Plus my dad was busy at work once again and my sister was probably out with one of her cilents. Pretty nice home right? My mom died when I was young. She married my dad in hopes of a better life. I am the only child she managed to produce with that man. My brother and sister are my half bloods.

I sighed and dragged my body off the cabin floor. I dusted off my body. I needed to get home in time to get dinner ready. I didn't need more broken bones right now. I picked up my bag and jogged back home pulling my sweater close to my body. I silently opened the door and went to my room. I dropped my bag and went back to the kitchen. I was not allowed to eat or drink or even freshen up before anyone else has dinner. I opened the fridge and prepared something fast and quick. I was late and my brother would be waking up soon. I looked after mashed potatoes with roasted beef and some salad. I shared his food and my sister's and placed it on the table. I shared dad's and covered it placing it in the oven in case he decided to come home tonight.

"Where the fuck is my food!" I jumped and rushed to the kitchen showing him his plate. He took the first bite. His hand rose and I felt the sting on my face. I did not dare say a word or even look at him.

"I told you before that I don't like too much salt! Why can't you fucking listen?!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry." I said looking down. I really didn't put any salt in there but I forgot to use the light margarine instead of regular margarine. His hand reached out and slapped me once again. I held my head down. The tears wanted to fall but I couldn't in front of him. It would only make it worst.

"No food tonight. And you get cleaned. I'll be up there in a few minutes." He said pushing me as he continued to eat. I nodded and headed to my room. I wanted to lock the door so badly. I really did. But it would make him even worst. I headed to the bathroom and quickly showered. I sighed on the verge of breaking down. I wrapped the white silk robe around my body and sat waiting for him to come in.

This was my reality. He would make sure to place bruises on my body where no one else would see. He walked in. I stiffened.

"Strip!" He commanded. I removed the robe from my body and allowed it to fall. I turned around as the first sting radiated through my body. I shut my eyes after the 10th hit. After a while, he stopped and left. I collapsed on my bed and the tears fell. I couldn't stop them. I know I'm a guy but men cry.

Don't they?

His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat