When I got home my mom helped me out of the car and into my room as my dad carried in my wheelchair. Sitting in my room, I stared at my new seat. The more I looked at it the more self conscious I became (me in a chair! I'm going to look ridiculous! oh my god like we just had sex and now suddenly I can't walk!) Maybe I should stay home tomorrow,no. I have to at least see Amora. (This is embarrassing) I thought to myself. All that really mattered was that fact that at that time I felt like Amora was mines and I was hers. That is all that mattered.

I could feel my phone vibrating on the mattress, I grabbed it anxiously to mind it was a text from Kelly.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. I responded via text.

Are you sure?

No, not really...

Should I come over. after reading this response I sighed heavily.

No. You don't have to.

Kai. I care about you, and I don't want you to ever feel like you're in this alone. I'm your girlfriend, let me take care of you.

Don't waste your energy, get some rest.

10 seconds passed, 2 minutes passed, I guess she stopped responding. I laid my phone down beside me and decided to take a nap. My body was physically spent, so it took me no time to pass out under the covers. I don't know how long I was out, but I knew I was still tired. But someone was nudging my back...

"Kai! You have a guest, there here to see you." my dad whispered then shaking me.

I opened my eyes under the covers. I figured if I didn't say anything they'd leave me alone. But the wasn't the case.

"You could hang out in here until he wakes up." he suggested. I vividly remember wanting to jump up like who the hell he sending into my room. I heard the closing of the door and then some light foot steps. I slowly hoisted up the covers to peak out at who it was, but no one was within my line of vision. I suddenly felt someone sit down behind me. I popped from under the covers just from fear alone to find it was Kelly. She hugged me graciously as I sat up in her arms.

"Did you get sick from the rain?" She mumbled.

"No I was... I was just resting." I responded.

She pulled back the hair out of my face and briefly kissed my lips.

"Can I spend the day with you, I feel like it's been days since we've spent any time together."

"Yea sure,.. do whatever you want." Why didn't she want to go home. my inner thoughts scrambled..

She put her feet up on my bed forcing me to scoot over. She sat up beside me and took a good look at my square bandage on my check and the wrap around my forehead.

"Does your cheek hurt?"

"No, they numbed it at the hospital."

"What happened?"

I wanted my parents to ask the question but I didn't even have an answer.

"I ... can't really remember."

"That's why I'm worried about you Kai!" She pouted.

"I promise, it won't happen again." I smiled.

"I like you this much." she grinned shyly with her hair falling into her face.

"How much?" I playfully smirked.

"Enough to climb into bed with you." she replied with a whisper.

My eyes widened.

"Cause I trust you." she added.

"Thank you." I replied not really knowing how else to answer.

She hops up and begins looking around my room, in search of something to do. She sees my computer and as soon as she touched it I realized that Amora's facebook picture was my desktop background!


I slowly shuffled out of bed.


I grabbed her cheeks with my palms to avert her attention from my computer. She lightly grabbed my waist and looked at me for a moment. I thought to myself should I kiss her, should I kiss her?!"

I kissed her. But I opted for her noes rather than her mouth. Kelly. Lets get something to eat. We joined the rest of the family, Kelly helped me down stairs and the night came and wet. The next morning I rolled in with the teachers assistant ready to hide from the world.

I had a few privileges like getting out of classes early to avoid traffic, being pushed around everything was smooth until I saw Amora. I got so excited! But she looked a little down. In fact, she wasn't in class and this wasn't her lunch period so what exactly was she doing. I waved good bye to my teachers assistant and told him where to meet me after school. When he left I rolled my self into a corner and left my seat there. I slowly jogged down the hall. But she was gone, I jogged my way toward the office door that I had seen her standing by, but just then my heart stopped.

Before I could stop my feet out before me stepped a woman with caramel skin, long black kinky hair, and eyes that could kill. But I knew this woman. She was Amora's aunt. I stopped in front of her and the smile slide off my face and onto my heart, where it could hide. My expression numbed it self and my bandages where vividly display. Her eyes said everything.

I knew if I loved Amora I'd had to confront this woman.

She knew who I was and I wasn't going to just turn around.

I balled up the courage to say something "Good..."!!!!!!! She slaps the words out of my mouth, and my square path falls to the floor and I hear a teacher cry out "Are you crazy!" I My body trembled and my eyes scattered. The teacher hustled down the hall way "You can't do that!" I could certainly feel the tears swelling up in my eyes and so i held on to my bleeding cheek and turned around. I could here the teacher calling out to me, but turning around would only result in a law suit and I couldn't, I didn't want to hurt anyone or thing related to Amora.

So I took off. I hid myself away in the dark and empty array of auditorium seats. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry as I sat there in the dark. I wasn't crying because I was in pain, or because she hated me, it was because I felt like a mouse chasing a piece of cheese in a trap. I used some of the cloth from my head bandage to stop the bleeding of my cheek, when I felt someones hand on my shoulder.

I feverishly looked up with my red eyes, to find that it Vanity. I stood up and embraced her and she just held me back.

I Stalked my GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now