Honorable Discharge

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Ariana was stood in front of her mirror, watching Josh doing finishing touch ups on her hair. She looked at her reflection getting lost in her thoughts.

Lately things had been so hard for her and she was struggling to cope with it. She had spoken to Courtney and Victoria about it, but despite their best efforts, both of them had failed in truly understanding what Ariana was going through.

The only person who truly understood Ariana was shipped out somewhere halfway across the world and she had no idea where she was.

The military refused to disclose locations of their soldiers and therefore, communication was very limited. The times for phone calls never matched Ariana and Y/N's schedule so they never talked on the phone.
Instead, Y/N had started another way of communicating and proved to be very diligent in sending Ariana handwritten letters.

She loved that kind of attention and throwback. She wrote back several letters, really lengthy ones too, which meant that she sent letters once every two months instead of once a week like Y/N.

Despite the time it took for her to respond, Y/N never missed a week of letter in her 4 years stationed overseas. She shared her thoughts and fears, her dreams of what she was going to do when she came back, of the things they would do together once she was back.

Ariana loved that, and because of those letters never stopped thinking about Y/N.
Y/N had held on to every single letter as well, as a sort of motivation, and that's what kept her going.

She hadn't heard from Y/N last week and that was the reason she was a bit worried at this moment. Had something happened to her? She would never know until her family would show up at Ariana's door telling her if something had.

Ariana and Y/N had been friends due to their parents. Her mom and Y/N's parents had met over a dinner when both of them were just children. They grew up in the same neighbourhood and spent a lot of days playing together outside and at each other's homes.
As they grew up, they became two very different people; Ariana made her debut in television and Y/N got in trouble a lot.

She was sent to a boarding school and Ariana went to California.

They were, therefore, no strangers to writing letters. It had been their only way of communication for a long time. 

Once Y/N graduated and got her life back on track and Ariana was starting her music career, they hung out more, grew closer than they already were.

Ariana found herself developing a secret crush on her friend during that time, which she was too afraid to reveal to Y/N.
When Y/N would look at her, she needed to look away in order not to blush or have her figure out her secret. She knew of Y/N's sexual orientation, but she wasn't quite sure of hers and therefore didn't want to ruin their friendship by taking that step and not being sure.

Y/N found herself to be more overprotective of her musically talented friend. When she would smile and laugh, she would get that feeling in the pit of her stomach, a fluttery feeling which she could not shake off.

They both lived with their secret crush on each other in silence.
They watched each other date other people over the years.
Both of them would comfort one another when their hearts got broken.

When Ariana got into a long term relationship with Mac, she genuinely thought she had found the one that could get Y/N off her mind.
Y/N felt herself get pushed away and decided to let Ariana live her life with someone else.

It came to a huge shock for Ariana when Y/N announced to her that she had enlisted in the military and was going to get sent overseas for 4 years.

She hated Y/N with all her being at that very moment. She cried that night in her room, from sadness, from fear of not knowing where she was going and what she was getting herself into.

Ariana Grande/You Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن