Chapter 4

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   Aurora's POV
   When I heard his deep voice behind me I almost melted onto the plane floor. I slowly turned around to piercing icy blue eyes. His eyes roamed over  my body stopping and my b**asts and hips. I shivered. Goose bumps covered my legs. Time seemed to stand still. Everything was in slow motion.  He was really really tall. His silky hair looked wet as if he'd just showered. I don't know how long we stood there. But Tytus broke the silence.

   " Well this is awkward." He muttered. Still holding Lacey. He cleared his throat. "Kayden this is Rora, and Rora meet Kayden."  I held out my hand. He took it and shook it. His long fingers  wrapped around my tiny hand. As the shook it firmly.  Sparks like electricity shot up my arm. And I pulled my hand back sharply as if I'd been burned.
     "Well 'Rora' nice to meet you. Your name is really different. I like it."  He said smirking slightly and shit why is everything so perfect about him... he even had dimples... like really sexy dimples.
     "Um.... my real name is Aurora, Rora is just Tytus' nickname for me" I said slightly embarrassed.

   Lacey wiggled out of Tytus' arms and came running to me. I picked her up and held her tightly.
    "Lacey can you say hi to Kayden,"  I prompt her.  She smiled shyly, and said " Hi Kay, my name is Lacey and I'm 3 years old." Then she held up 3 stubby baby fingers. Kayden smiled and said,
     " Hi I'm Kay, and I'm 25 years old." Then he opened and closed his fingers. Lacey giggled.
     "Mommy tell Kay how old you are."  I sighed and said "I'm 22 years old."
       Tytus laughed. "I have to go fly, but in case your wondering I'm 26 years old." Kayden and I laughed.
    Lacey squirmed  out of my hands and jumped to the floor. "Kay I like you, will you watch a movie with mommy and me??"  What the hell??? She usually had a choking grip on my neck whenever she met strangers. But now she was offering to watch movies with him.He chuckled and nodded.  Lacey took his hand and sat down on the seats across from me. 

      " So which movies do you like?" Kayden asked her.
      "Frozen.... Frozen....Frozen.... I love frozen,"  she chanted and clapped her hands.
      Kayden smiled and said "I love Frozen too lets watch it." 
       "Mommy please come and watch with us." Lacey begged.
     Even though I almost watched it 200 times I sat down to watch it again.

     Kayden was holding Lacey and I sat beside them in the front of the huge TV screen. The worst part was the seats were really narrow so my thigh was pressed against his.  I tried to scoot away but nothing helped. The warmth from his jeans seeped through my pants'  legs. It felt really nice, nicer then I wanted to admit. Suddenly I felt sleepy, I had been up all night packing and planning my escape. I was Free!!! Finally Free from his clutches!!! He couldn't find me now.  I snuggled closer to the warmth then I feel asleep.

Kayden's POV
   Lacey was the most adorable kid I've ever saw. She was very talkative and funny. Never in my life had I imagined that I would be holding a 3 year old girl and watching the movie Frozen. But here I was. Sitting on the narrow seat, beside Aurora and holding her daughter.

    For the first 2 minutes after Lacey had told her mom to come watch the movie with us. My thigh kept touching her. She scooted further and further away from me. But I moved my legs so I would still touch her. Finally she stopped moving and actually snuggled towards me. When I looked over she was sleeping. Her head slowly drifted towards my shoulder. Until it rested peacefully on my shoulder her hair tickled my chin. I stared at her long dark lashes fluttered slightly. She had a few freckles spread over her nose and her lips.... her strawberry lips I wanted to kiss her so badly...
        I tapped Lacey and whispered
         " Look Lace, your mommy is sleeping."
Lacey looked over and smiled and reached over to kiss her on the cheek.
          "Mommy waked me up early today and we sneaked out the window to come with Unca Ty." She replied casually.
    I was shocked. What the hell. "Why did sneak out the window." I asked her keeping my voice low.
          "I don't know, but mommy said she won't cry at night when we sleep at your house, that makes me so happy I'm sad when mommy cries."
        "Why does your mommy cry?" I asked the little girl. 
        " I cry when she goes away," Lacey's voice trembled. "I am so scared, when she comes back she always cries and holds me tightly and says she loves me very much. Then she goes and uses lots of bandaids."
      What the hell was this kid telling me. Lots of Bandaids??? Was she getting raped or what the hell was happening here.
     I glanced over to her and noticed she was wearing a long sleeve shirt. Didn't Tytus tell her that we are going to Hawaii. It's really hot this time of year. Suddenly I felt the strange urge to protect her. An urge I've never had with anybody... my parents have always told me I was a selfish prick. I guess I could finally prove them wrong.... I looked over at her and smiled as I took her hand in mine. She would never ever by in harm's way again.

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