Zanado Canyon:

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"Oh my, if it isn't Jeralt. Tell me, what was the first thing you heard?" Manuela said.

"Everything after you mentioned that it's not likely an infectious disease" Jeralt said "My child and I owe the people of Remire Village" Jeralt shook his head "If something is happening there we must help them" he added.

"We scouted the area ourselves, Speak with the knights, Hear what they have to say" Shamir said "I must go thank you for your help, Manuela" she added, then left the room.

After the knight Shamir left, Manuela offered assistance in helping with Remire Village but Jeralt shut down her offer for help, she pouted "As you like. Good-bye Jeralt, Good-bye Byleth" Manuela said with a sigh, then left her office.

"Jeralt let out a sigh of relief then turned to Byleth "I'll be in my office making preparations, What about you? he asked, then immediately followed with "If you have the time, it would be helpful if you could go ahead and talk to the knights. Byleth's mind started swirling, she looked at her Father unable to respond, then everything went black and she felt herself hit the floor. "Hey! What's wrong?!" Jeralt said with a concerned tone.

"I just got a little dizzy," Byleth groaned.

Her father helped her up "If anything feels off, return to the infirmary. No need to just grin and bear it" Jeralt said sternly "Got it?" He asked, and Byleth nodded, and left her to go to her room.

"Ugh... What could have caused such dizziness? I felt it too" Sothis whined "Actually... I've felt that way before..." she murmured, Byleth wondered what she meant but thought it best to give Sothis her privacy. "Say Byleth..." Sothis began "The last time we were in Zanado Canyon I was certain I had been there before, I think we should go back there" Sothis said.

Byleth thought it over for a moment, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to go on her own but then again it's not like Byleth is defenseless, she would be fine she told herself "Ok, let's go" Byleth said to Sothis, and that pleased her.

"Excellent let's get going then" Sothis said excitedly, the whole trip to get to Zanado Canyon Sothis was telling her theories that maybe she had once lived there. They had been there at Zanado Canyon for a few minutes and nothing seemed to be ringing a bell for Sothis. "Byleth..." Sothis said seriously "Did you hear that?" She added.

Byleth froze she heard what she was talking about "I hear a growl" she responded.

"As did I, It appears that we may have attacked some beasts" Sothis said in horror, Byleth looked and saw two wolf beasts appeared and each one was blocking an exit.

"Crap" Byleth thought she was going to have to fight hard if she was going to survive.


"Your Highness"Dedue called out to Dimitri, he turned to face him.

"Hello Dedue" Dimitri replied.

"Your highness, would you like to go to the dining hall?" Dedue asked, but then something else caught Dedues attention "Hmm... that is most strange" he said. Dimitri turned to see what Dedue was talking about and he saw Byleth heading towards the entrance of the monastery. "I wonder what she is doing leaving the monastery at this hour?" Dedue said suspiciously "I've got a bad feeling about this perhaps we should follow her?" he suggested.

Dimitri squinted his eyes. It was a little suspicious especially since Byleth isn't one to leave the grounds of the monastery "Yes, let's bring our fellow classmates as well" Dimitri said before him and Dedue left to round the class up.

"So why exactly are we following her?" Felix asked Dimitri as they made their way to the entrance.

"It's late, for all we know she could get herself into trouble" Dimitri responded hoping his words wouldn't be true.

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