Wild Can Comfort?

820 19 13

Finally they had arrived in Winds hyrule, Vast ocean with the occasional island scattered about the clear waters. They had landed on Dragon Roost, but they didn't stay long. It seemed as soon as they had arrived, wind was dragging them to a new location.
"Woah wind why are you running?" Legend asked
"We need to get to Outset! I can see my family!"
Legend just nodded as the other hero's followed behind the youngest, running down paths as if it were muscle memory until they reached the water, where a pirate ship seemed to be docked, almost as if it was waiting.
"Tetra! TETRA ARE YOU THERE?" the hero of winds called out. Time recognized the name from winds many stories of the girl.

While Time pondering what Tetra would be like, Legend had a different issue. He was face to face with the thing he feared most. They would have to travel the ocean. Images of Marin flashed through his mind, Red hair, Hibiscus flowers, The wind fish, and as Wind had a heartfelt reunion with Tetra, Legend could only state blankly at the water in front on him. Suddenly a callused  hand was on his shoulder he turned around, expecting to see their leader only to see Wild, the feral goblin boy with a soft, caring, almost knowing expression.

"We have to get on the ship now... Once we're on, come find me okay?" the boy spoke in a hushed tone and Legend could only nod.

As the heroes loaded onto the ship Legend followed suit hesitantly. Once secured Wind and Tetra gave a briefing on how things would run while they're on the boat. Tetra making it clear that even though Time was the groups leader, her and Wind were in charge on the boat. The group watched as they witnessed their youngest brother slowly show them how he was on his mission. It was obvious the Hero was a pirate at heart as he handled the ropes without hesitation, communicating flawlessly words half of the group couldn't understand. 

"Tetra, have Gonzo tie off the Main sheets, Half hitches ending with a figure eight should be fine."

"Got it Chiefy!"

"Niko, Could you fake the lines over the starboard side? We want this moving as smoothly as possible!"

"Already done!"

"Good, then you and Senza should go start dinner, we're a bit away from Outset and I'm sure we'll get hungry."

"On it"

"Mako, Nudge, you two take a break, i'm sure you've been run off ya feet!"

"We're fine link, it's noth-"

"Nudge, the bags under your eyes are big enough to hold 23,000 Rupees. Take a break."

"Yes Sir."

The group was stunned, as the two deckhands slowly moved into the lower levels of the ship, followed by two others they assumed were Niko and Senza. They slowly dispersed around the ship into smaller groups.

Four, Warriors, and Hyrule were talking about the correct way to care for a sword, while Sky, Time,and Twilight were chatting about Hylia knows what. Legend notices quickly that true to his implication, Wild had secured a place away from the other hero's.

As legend walked over Wild waved with a sad smile.
"So what's up wild?" Legend asked as he sat next to the other Hylian. "You're afraid of the ocean. Why?"
"Excuse you? I don't have to tell you shit!" Legend said as he starts to stand, angry with the younger man for trying to pry, before wild grabbed his arm
"That's not what I mean. I'm sorry that didn't come out right. I mean, I assume something bad happened, but um... I understand it can be hard."
Legend sat back down slowly while the boat rocked softly "... I'm scared it will happen again. Pitiful huh?"
Wild laughed bitterly. "No. Not at all, I have the same anxiety. I'm scared I'll forget you all. But that shouldn't stop us from moving forward."

"Damn Wild, I didn't know you could be serious like that!"

Wild smiled and stuck his tounge out.
"Shut up or tell Ravio about the time you saw a white random bird and tried to cuddle it, thinking it was Sheerow."
Legends face went pale "you saw that?"
Wild gave him an innocent smile "I think your best friend would be pretty amused to know that you find comfort in his presence"

"Okay, okay, you shut up, I'll shut up, and we're even? If Ravio even thinks I consider him a friend he'll never let it go, he'll never move out of my house then!"

The crews voice rang through again 




As the words left Tetras mouth the felt the boat taking a semi-sharp turn, making Legend tense up. 

"How about we make a distraction from all this shit?"
"How do you plan on doing that dumbass? We're in the FUCKING ocean."
Legend barely finished the sentence before wild started singing what seemed to be a sea shanty
"What would we do with a drunken sailor? What would we do with a drunken sailor, what will we do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning?"
Legend gave a mutter of "You've got to be fuckin with me" before sighing and looking towards Time with a grin.

"Slap him on a quest and make him your dad, slap him on a quest and make him your dad, slap him on a quest and make him your dad, early in the morning!" Time heard this and sighed, before Legend prompted him for a line also "HEY TIME, WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH A DRUNKEN SAILOR?"

"Put him in his bed upwards in skyloft, put him in his bed upwards in skyloft, put him in his bed, upwards in skyloft early in the morning"

Sky was laughing at the line obviously pointed at him and continued the chain. Throughout the ride they slowly all grouped together and they were halfway through a rendition of Sally brown when they heard an excited voice ring from above.
"Were here!"

Legend gave wild a thankful smile before getting ready to leave.

Hey guys this is my first fic I've written or even tried to write in a long ass time, so sorry about the quality as of right now, I promise I'll edit it eventually. This first chapter was very legend centric but I promise It will move to Wild and Aryll soon! Thank you! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I have plans for the future!

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