Prologue: The Announcement (Essential for Reading the Book)

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((If there are any mistakes or errors, please don't be afraid to speak up. I won't be offended)
Welcome to my wicked world! Wicked world! Nah jokes 😂! Welcome to this book! If this is your first XReader I'll go briefly over the main things:

Y/N: Your Name
M/N/N: Middle/Nickname
L/N: Last Name
H/C: Hair Colour
E/C: Eye Colour
H/L:Hair length
F/C:Favourite Colour

You'll figure out who's offspring you are soon enough—and you are free to guess throughout the chapter/book who they are, I'm not going to stop ya, but you'll have to read on to find out.

There may or may not be triggers throughout this book and I will make sure to warn you prior to read said trigger chapter because I truely care about your mental wellbeing. Triggers may include (though not all that are listed may apply to this book specifically):

-Bullying (not sure if that's a trigger but if it is then this chapter contains some)

-Low self-esteem



-Name calling

-Traumatic events




-Questioning the Authors sanity


so I suggest you proceed with caution...

Anyway, I love you my lil' dragon beans!Stay chillin' like a villain and remain rotten to the core... 😂 sorry I'll stop now...)

"(Y/N)? Honey you need to wake up! Today is the day you go back to Auradon Prep " I heard the familiar calming voice of my father waking me up. I groaned and mumbled profanities into my pillow.

Despite my stubbornness to get out of bed, after my father's hands shook me slightly it was convincing enough to get out of bed. My dad decided to leave me alone while I got ready for school and packed everything up. I pushed the sheets off of me and to the aside. I get out of the comforts and safety of my warm bed with a sigh. 'Auradon Prep, a place of magic and everything good' I thought with a humourless giggle 'Pfft yeah right'. I had packed pretty much all my stuff for school last night so I only needed to put in my toothbrush, deodorant and hairbrush into it. Before I did anything else, I got changed out of my pjs and into a white shirt and a pair of (F/J) (Favourite Jeans) with a (F/C) hoodie with a beanie tucked into the pocket.

I then went on to untangling my slightly messy (H/C) hair—which didn't take too long— until it was back to its normal state. Though it was (H/C) I had streaks of white in it because of my dad having naturally white hair (he did have a black streak dyed into his hair once but that was when he was younger in years as an actor). People might say it makes me look old but I see it as it making me look wiser.

After using the hairbrush and deodorant they were placed in one of the two bags I was taking with me. I placed my plain black rimmed glasses on my face and headed down the creaky old stairs with my toothbrush and bags in hand. As soon as I walked down the stairs, my nose hit the scent of bacon!!! And eggs... but mostly bacon!!! which made me pick up the pace and sprint to the kitchen. I saw my dad making breakfast and chuckling while doing so... he saw me racing over here at the scent of bacon and thought it was funny.

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