Chapter 13 - Help from Dr. Walt

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Sheldon took the long winding road that led to his father's mansion. He pressed the remote, drove through the garage door. As he entered the side door, Walter's housekeeper stopped folding laundry and greeted Sheldon.

"Why hello Sheldon. Come in. Your father is in his study."

Sheldon climbed the spiral staircase that led to his father's study. He knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Walter was on his treadmill, running at a rapid speed. He pressed the arrow down several notches.

"Hello son. What a pleasant surprise," he said breathlessly.

Walter stopped the machine, sipped water, and wiped off his forehead. He took a seat on the couch next to his son.

"It's good to see you. How have you been?"

"I've been ok. I just wanted to talk."

"Sure, what's on your mind? Work? Victoria, maybe?"'

"Real estate for one. I'm tired of it all. It's the long hours, it's all the wasted time, only to have the deal fall through. It's flirty women clients.

Walter chuckled. "Not such a bad problem to have."

"And I met this girl three years ago. She's all wrong for me, but I still can't get her out of my mind."

"So, that explains the broken engagement, but I will say, I understand your internal struggles more than you think I do."

"How's that?"

"In high school I was obsessed with a girl. She was one of those bad girls whose name was all over the bathroom walls. I never got a chance to date her, but I thought about her through the years. I attended my ten year reunion alone hoping I would run into her. I did, and sparks flew. Your mother found out about my little encounter. You know the rest. The next morning, she was gone. I never got a second chance." Walter bit his lip and slumped down in his chair.

Sheldon's mouth dropped. He held his breath, trying to stop the tears. "That was the reason. It wasn't because of me?"

"No, of course not. Why would you think such a thing?"

"I just thought she was ashamed of me, of both of us."

Walter placed a comforting arm on Sheldon's shoulder. "No. It had absolutely nothing to do with you. I'm sure she loves you in her own way."

Sheldon could no longer fight back tears that were now streaming down his face, overwhelming him with a sense of relief. It sounds odd, but he blamed himself somewhat. If only he were the perfect child, she would not have left.

"I regretted that encounter every day of my life. I never realized how lucky I was until it was too late. His shaky hands picked up her glamor photo. He held it up to his beaky nose and stared at her through his watery eyes. "This is all I have left, this precious photo. She never gave me a second chance. He turned to Sheldon. "I'm so sorry I robbed you of a mother," he said, as he bent his head down.

It was Sheldon's turn to console his Dad. "Dad, it's not your fault. She just wanted an excuse. Mom was never happy with us anyway. If it weren't for that, she would have found another reason, or she would have done something crazy like running off and joining the circus."

Sheldon's words put a smile on Walter's face. He recovered. "Continue on son."

"Where was I? Oh, this sizzling hot girl, her name is Summer, and she drives me crazy. No matter how dangerous, how wicked, how abusive she is, it makes no difference. In fact, it makes me want her more. Does that make sense?"

"No, emotions don't make sense. An emotion can be very powerful. It can turn into an obsession. It can take over your life. Your feelings for Summer may never go away, but that doesn't mean you can't go on with your life."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Try keeping those thoughts under control. Keep busy. Set your goals.

Your job, for instance. Are you happy? I get the feeling you aren't. I think it's high time you moved on from real estate sales.

"I've been thinking the same thing. I just wanted to succeed at something on my own. I did, but it's run its course."

"There are an abundance of opportunities here at Merrick, financing, leasing, marketing, investing. Or you could venture out on your own, a world of opportunities await you."

"Yes, I have an idea, . . Go on."

"Keep your mind at peace through church, meditation, yoga. Try making time for yourself and keep busy with things you enjoy doing. Play basketball, read, write comedy.......And if you have time today, join me for a meditation and a Reiki session."

"Yes, I've been wanting to do those things. I can't today, but soon. I've been staying up late all night, researching the market, the neighborhood, sending out emails, posting on facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You name it.

"But from this day forward you can start over with a new plan and a new perspective on life."

"Yes. Thanks Dad. I have to go. By the way, how are you getting along without Victoria?"

"I'm managing. . . . Uh, there is something I need to tell you. I was waiting for the right time."


"Carlos has gone with her."

"Carlos! Carlos is with her?! No wonder she didn't want me to drive her to the airport."

"Relax, they're just friends. He told me she needed a Spanish interpreter."

"And you believed that? That makes absolutely no sense."

"I'm not crazy about the idea either, but I see no reason to deny him the opportunity. Maybe he wants to learn carpentry skills."

"Among other skills, I'm sure.

"Son, you need to fight for her. She's a wonderful woman. Don't make the mistake I made with your mother. Don't let her slip away."

Sheldon glanced at his watch. "Did she give you contact information?"


"I need it. And Dad, thanks a million for your advice. I have to get going."

"I'm glad you confided in me. Call me anytime."

The next day Sheldon was up at the crack of dawn. Sunny, hot, clear, calm - the weather forecast for the keys. Perfect. Next, he stocked 2 large suitcases full of nonperishable food items. He made a couple phone calls.

Arrangements had to be made. He called Jerry, the Habitat crew leader, explained that he was Victoria's boyfriend and that he was planning to surprise her.

Sheldon had the entire day planned, but it all had to be timed perfectly. It was a three-hour flight from Lake Palestine to Miami airport. There was no time to waste. He had to get going before Carlos made his way to her heart.

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