"Hate to break it to you, but we can't go clubbing."

"And why not?"

"Last time I looked, we're not twenty-one or over."

Of course she answers me with her signature smirk. Oh, and now a wink. Great. She saunters close to me and with a dramatic wave of her hand whisks off her mini backpack only to procure two cards from it. I'm no genius, but I'm pretty sure I have a good sporting chance at winning the guess as to what she is holding in between her coffin-shaped, black nails. Yup. Those weapons are holding fake ids. There's no way this is going to work. Not with the Department of Motor Vehicles making drivers licenses so hard to replicate. Crossing my arms, I lean back. I have no worries, since we're not going anywhere after I remind her how this plan is a definite fail.

"What do you have, Kiki?" I smile knowing full well, my voice is saccharine sweet.

"You know what I got," her tongue clicks and she winks.

"Lemme see," I grab them from her and inspect them. Damn. These things are good. Like, spot on good. How in the frick? I don't get it. My puzzled expression has her laughing her evil laugh at me. Crap.

"Remember Jimmy?" She asks.

"I think everyone would remember Jimmy."

"I know right. Dude is a computer genius and a fake id genius. So don't waste the effort that was put into these. We're going out tonight and that's final."

Double crap. There's no excuse to give her. I mean, I could say I have my period and the cramps are too bad, but that excuse won't fly since I complained last week about cramps. Diarrhea? No, that's no good. It doesn't smell bad enough in here to be believable. Hmm. Do I have it in me to fart up the room we're in? Pressing my hand to my tummy tells me I'm running on empty. I have zero ammunition in the tank. Dammit. How is it when you need a fart, nothing? But when you don't need a fart, bam. Every. Time.

"What's with your face?" Kiki frowns.

I drop my expression, God only knows what the hell it was doing, and bite my lip quickly looking away from my psychic friend with a shrug. I swear to the lord she has powers.

"Oh my God. You were going to use the diarrhea excuse weren't you? Were you trying to befoul our room to make it believable?"

I shake my head in frantic denial. Son of a gun! How?

"Liar! News flash, sweetheart, you used that lame excuse on me last year and failed! You can never use that one again. It's a one time use only. So suck the air back up into that pooper shooter and seal it shut, sister. Tonight we're going out, and you are looking fierce. Poop free!"


"Fine! I'll be back in an hour with outfits. Don't you dare move. I sah-wear to the lord, I will hunt you down."

Kiki dramatically slams the door shut and water fills my eyes. Is she really that mad? I need a tissue. The door suddenly opens startling me, but it's Kiki returning to press a kiss to my head before she disappears again. Okay. Good. She's not mad. I smile. Although, I'm kinda mad. What am I going to do? I suck at going out. It's just not for me. I don't know how to talk to guys, and I'm a horrible horrible dancer. If my life depended on dancing sexy, I'd be dead meat. I really need to take my mind off of this.

Reaching under my covers, I find my phone and settle into a comfy position. Maybe Aela is online. I log into the app, and first accomplish all of my challenges so I can gain prizes. I love all the little prizes on this game. My character has quite the wardrobe of cute items. I've been pretty dedicated to my challenges thus giving me the ability to earn prizes. You can tell how long someone has been playing by how well dressed their character is. Although, there are some people who have played for a long time and are on just for conversing with others and don't care about the prizes. That's cool too. I like doing both.

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