chapter 13

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"Wood style transportation" yamato transformed into sasori and then tested out his voice after that. "Wow" hisashi mutters lightly tilting his head, he looked off for a moment then turns to see the others go to their position "eep!" Hisashi yelps as he then caught up with the others.

Hisashi then kneeled down and watched, he activated his kekkei genkai to see where the spy might be "h-hes here" hisashi states as the others looked at him then at the bridge.

Hisashi's eyes widen at the familiar face "kabuto" he mutters softly. They couldn't listen to the conversation, hisashi looked around them then stiffens up at the new life energy "s-someone else i-is here" hisashi whispers.

"we have no choice in trusting captain yamato tho" sakura mutters. "What are we gonna do?"  Naruto asked "we wait for his signal" sakura huffs.

Hisashi panicked and he sees kabuto attack sasori. They then saw the signal and they all jumped out "I know those familiar faces" orochimaru smirks "the no tail and nine tail are even here this is going to be very interesting" he states.

"Oh hisashi tsukoyama the one person sasuke told me not to mess with or hurt" orochimaru smirks. "I'm very much willing to respect his wish neither the less" he states before attacking hisashi first with his snakes.

Hisashi jumps back abit but was then grabbed by the leg, sai ends up cutting the snake off of Hisashi's leg.

"That's very impressive" orochimaru said as he looked at the team. Hisashi glanced at naruto and sees him get angrier "give sasuke back!" Naruto growled as he nine tail cloak starts appearing.

"N-naruto" hisashi mutter "not possible sasuke came to us by his decision dont dwell in the past" kabuto states. "Shut up four eyes! You dont understand" sakura yelled, "of you really want to know about sasuke then you'll have to force it out of me" orochimaru states.

Naruto then launched and attacked orochimaru launching him far making the bridge move abit. Hisashi frowns at the sight of the first tail appearing on naruto.

"So the power of the jinchuriki grows even more stronger" kabuto states after a while orochimaru had come of the trees. 'The intense pain he must be in right now' hisashi frowned.

After a while naruto only got angrier and more tails appeared on in "dont you talk about sasuke like you own him!" Naruto yelled as chakra was then flying all over the place. Hisashi the ground freeze to keep naruto into place, naruto struggled, hisashi gave a hard look and kept making the ice crawl up naruto's arms and legs.

Naruto only growled as his chakra grew stronger, he then slapped hisashi away smacking hisashi through many trees. "Hisashi!" Sakura cried out in worry, naruto broke out of the ice  and attacked orochimaru.

Hisashi trembles abit as he tries to stand up but then focused on healing himself with his light cloak. He pants lightly as he felt a wave of air hit him "d-dammit" he mutters as he slowly stood up trying not to fall over due to the amount of wind that's being blown all over the place.

Hisashi then made way to the bridge again feeling the slightest bit better then sees it was destroyed. He yelps lightly when he spots sakura falling so he pressed his hand on the ground and brought out an ice burge to then catch her. He frowns as he looked up to see sai didn't even help her. "I-I got her" hisashi states as he raises himself up and layes sakura down safely.

"Good to see your okay" yamato mumbles in worry. "Hm" hisashi nods as he placed his hands on sakura's head then sooner or later woke her up.

"What happened?" Sakura mutters "you okay?" Yamato asked "I think I'm okay" sakura said as she looked around in shock at the whole mess "what happened?" She mutters "it was naruto" yamato explained.

There was a harsh wave of trees and rocks were hurdling towards them till yamato made a dome to protect them. Hisashi's sighs as he then fell over " are you even up anyways that blow naruto did really did look fetal" sakura said in worry "i-im fine...are y-you okay?" Hisashi asked. "Yeah I'm fine" sakura then smiled lightly.

They both looked at yamato in concern when they then heard that the fourth tail had emerged from naruto

"Theres something you guys aren't telling me" sakura asked "tell me what's happened to him"

"Sakura no matter what happens its okay" yamato states. "L-lady tsunade assigned yamato f-for a reason" hisashi explained the info he had gotten  from nami.

"So I take sasori isn't coming after all" kabuto said as he walked out. Hisashi turns to him "n-not now" he said

"Hmm" kabuto smirks before someone hit the side of the mountain. Hisashi looked at the sight "naruto!" Hisashi cried out as he tries to sit up.

Sakura only watched in fear and worry, hisashi covered his ears at the loud roar naruto released. Hisashi whinces slightly as he moved then stood up holding his rib cage. Sakura only watched as, in her eyes appeared a young naruto then present naruto the the nine tail monster.

She glanced at hisashi who watched to as her eyes gleamed from a small quiet hisashi to the monster at the chunin exams then to present day hisashi. She then turns back to naruto "naruto!" Both hisashi and sakura cried out as orochimaru kept putting pressure on his snake sword.

Naruto only just took the sword and swung it away. Yamato took sakura to jump out of the way and hisashi followed right after before the sword struck what's left of the bridge they were on.

Hisashi yelps as he didn't land so gracefully and ends up making his wound abit worse. Naruto send off another roar  and then another "to think he would become that just to save sasuke" kabuto scoffs.

Hisashi frowns as he looked down

"Dont worry hisashi! I'll get him back!"

"I promise!"

"Like I said I never go back on my word hehe"

Hisashi sniffs lightly but then turns to sakura who was already crying. Next thing anyone else knew she ran to naruto "sakura come back!" Yamato yelled out.

"Naruto stop!" Sakura cried out as she trips over herself. Naruto then used one of his tails and attacks sakura anyways

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