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JK: "Y/N!!"

I rushed to her side and shook her shoulders attempting to wake her up, and opened her eyes slightly and looked at me weakly.

JK: "Y/n, what happened?!"

Her eyes started to close again but I quickly sat her up against the wall.

JK: "Y/n-ah... What happened... Please tell me."

She slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and dug her face in my shoulder, sobbing quietly.

Y/n: "I.. It was.. L..Lisa..."

JK: "W.. What..? She did this to you?!"

She nodded her head and tightened her grip around my waist and sobbed louder.

JK: "Hey, it's gonna be ok... Is it really bad, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Y/n: "N...no..."

JK: "Okay, I'll get up now, and get on my back, ok?"

She nodded and let go of me then I turned around and she got on my back and I stood up.

I looked at Taehyung who was staring at the floor teary eyed.

I sighed and said, "Look, Tae. You practically got your sister kicked out of the house... It was a misunderstanding, and she's really suffering from it. Please... Try to do something."

He didn't say anything so I walked out and out of the school, all the way to my house.

I layed Y/n down on the couch and then bent down to her level to look at her.

JK: "Y/n.. I'm gonna check for any bad injuries... Is that ok?"

She nodded weakly then I sat on the edge of the couch and lifted her shirt slightly and saw a few bruises and a little bit of blood.

Oh my god...

I got up and got some cotton pads and Isopropyl alcohol.

I sat back down and then looked at Y/n and said, "Brace yourself, this could hurt a bit."

I put the alcohol on a cotton pad then gently cleaned her injuries with it.

I looked at her and she had her eyes clenched shut and her lips were parted slightly.

I put the stuff away and washed my hands, then I came back and crouched down on the floor next to the couch.

I tucked her hair gently behind her ear and she opened her eyes to look at me.

JK: "...I'm sorry... This is my fault that you're in this mess."

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me on the couch and she wrapped her arms around me tightly in a hug.

She snuggled up closer and dug her face into my chest then said, "Thank you.."

JK: "...For what..?"

Y/n: "Caring about me..."

I pulled back and looked into her eyes and asked, "Has no one ever really cared about you before?"

Y/n: "Only Taehyung... But that was temporary.."

I felt really bad for her...

No one close to her cares about her but me.. And I'm just someone who used to bully her...

But I want her to feel cared for, she's too precious not to be.

I looked down at her lips and leaned in closer to her face, but then stopped.

I shouldn't do this...

I was about to lean back, but...

She kissed me.

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