"Very impressive." He said looking at the room. The wallpaper is a mixture of pink, blue and purple. It's one the most beautiful room in the house and I'm really proud of this room. I sat down on the chair near the iMac and he pulled another chair and sat beside me.

"Any idea which breed would you like?" He asked.

"No." I said. "The thought just came to mind and then I decided to come and check it out. I'm nervous."

"It's okay, I'm nervous as well." He said.

"Why are you getting nervous for?" I asked cocking my head slightly on one side.

"We are going to be parents." He said.

I raised one of my eyebrow at him.

"I'm going to support you in this incredible news. I can't wait for us to start a family.." he exclaimed clapping his hands in delight.

"What are you even saying?"I give him a quizzical look.

"Don't worry, you will be a great mom and I'm going to try my best to be a good Dad."

"No." I said shaking my head. "We are not partnering in this."

"Why?" He gasped.

"Because..." I tried to think of a good excuse. "I'm not going to share the ball of sunshine with you."

He rolled his eyes. "The ball of sunshine will be living with you, I will be coming and visiting you guys." He brushed me off, casually.

"No." I said shaking my head in disagreement.

It took him half an hour to convince me why it's a good idea for him to partner with me. No wonder he's a good business man. He's very persuasive and I didn't realize after I agreed that whatever he said didn't make sense at all.

We checked some websites that have puppies put up for adoption. He didn't really mind any breed and said he's fine with whatever I pick. I was confused between a husky and chow chow.

"Help me pick one." I said and looked at him and instead of looking at the screen like I thought he would be, he was looking at me. "What are you looking at?" 

"You." He said smiling. "I have never seen you this excited about anything before."

"I have fair share of excitement and fun." I said.

"You are beautiful." He said and I was surprised by his sudden compliment.

"You too." I blurted out and I felt my cheek burnt in embarrassment.

He laughed. The head thrown back type of laugh and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"Oh Emilia." He said as he stroke my hair. "I'm not being funny though. You are so beautiful. You should smile more-your dimples are very fascinating."

"I didn't know my dimples are very fascinating, but I will keep that in mind." I smile.

He smiled at me.

After an hour and half, we finally picked a beautiful white chow chow and schedule a pick up for next week.

I was so excited about it when I got the confirmation and was asked to bring an ID along with us.

"You can still back out." I said to Chase as we were eating dinner.

"I doubt that." He said. "I like the idea of partnering with you." His eyes glimmered.

"How are we going to work it out?" I was so excited.

"We first have to name the baby and then of course have to work out schedule. Most likely I will be here in the weekends."

"This is crazy." I said to him. "David and Daniel will flipped."

"Are they allergic to dogs?" He asked.

"No, but they are not big fans of them either."

"If they have problems, I can of course take it back to my home and you can come and visit us. We can work it out." He grinned.

"I'm so excited." I said to him. "I'm scared too. We both have to work during the day and things like that."

"We will figure out." He said. "When is Daniel coming back?"

"The coming Wednesday." I said.

"Okay. They are not so fond of me, eh?"

"They are not fond of any guys around me."

"If I did have a baby sister, I would most likely behave like them." He laughed.

"I think you will be very relax about things."

"Oh trust me.." he said. "When you get to know me-you will think twice before saying that."

I frowned at his words.

"Don't frown." He said.

"We don't really know much about each other."

"Do you want us to get to know each other?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes.

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