Chapter Two - "A Feeling in Bloom"

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*Yukina's POV*, Backstage

Why... Why?
I didn't perform my best...

When I looked at (Y/N), I lost my focus.

Augh, in front of Mitake-san and her band, too. Of all people...

This feeling is no longer something I can put to the side any more.

I have to show my feelings to the person they are for. Otherwise, we won't make it to Future World Fes like this.

Suddenly, Rinko walked backstage and saw me.
"Yukina-san... Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm headed home now. Say bye to the others."
I gathered my stuff and left the room.

"Oh, okay..." Rinko said.

As I left, I saw (Y/N) in the lobby.
My heart nearly skipped a beat.

H-he's there...
And he's looking right at me.
Oh... He's headed toward me...

"Hey, Yukina-chan. Great performance today," he said.

"Th-thanks. I feel like I wasn't the best today, though."

"Erm, yeah, I kind of thought that," (Y/N) admitted. "Everything okay?"

"I'm okay. I just wasn't at the top of my game. I'm going home."

"Wait," (Y/N) stopped me. "Can I walk you home?"

He wants to walk me home? This is really great. I can spend some time with him!

I nodded and smiled. "Sure!"

*(Y/N)'s POV*, Outside

Yukina-chan really is beautiful. She has a great smile.

She hasn't talked much since we've started walking.
It's a little awkward...

We're getting closer to her house!
I need to say something!

"Hey," Yukina-chan finally spoke up. "Can I tell you something?"

She stopped walking and looked right at me, but her eyes looked away a few times.

"Thank you," she said, smiling again.

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"Well, for being there for me. I mean, back a few years ago until now."

"Oh, you're welcome. Why are you thanking me now?"

"Because..." Yukina-chan started to say. "I want to repay you any way I can."

"Huh?!" I shouted. "No need to be like that! It's really no problem!"

"No," Yukina-chan said. She walked very close to me and held my hands. "I do mean it."

This is quite strange...
But if I were to ask for anything...

"All right, Yukina-chan. There is something I'd like a lot."

"What is it?" Yukina-chan wondered.

"I want you to... dress up with cat ears and meow to me!"

Yukina-chan blushed and made a weird face.
"Y-you what? What an interesting request. I hope you won't get any weird ideas!"

"It does sound weird," I admitted. "But I want to see our cute Yuki-nyan appreciating the cat inside her!"

"You're such a weirdo..." Yukina-chan laughed. "But you're a lovable weirdo."

"...I came prepared, so we can do the cat thing right away at your house!"
I said. "I have my emergency cat ears on me!"

"A Blooming Rose" - Yukina x Male ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum