Day 3: Sun and Moon

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Pre-Timeskip Modern Day. Also will have Pokémon Sun and Moon and Discord mentioned! They are both 18 and drive, so they will be driving!!!!!!

Finally Pokémon Sun and Moon came out. Dimitri was already waiting at the front door of his local Game Stop. The blonde teenager saw one of the workers inside the building getting ready to open the door.

Dimitri skipped school because of this. He knew his uncle wouldn't care if he did. Dimitri knew that it was weird that he was the only one standing outside waiting for the new Pokémon game. But in the end, he didn't care.

When the door was finally unlocked, Dimitri went inside the building. He hovered himself over to the checkout.

The cashier looked over at him. "You need something?"

"I preordered Pokémon Moon," Dimitri said.


"Dimitri Blaiddyd."

The cashier went over to where they had their preordered games at. They took out the Pokémon Moon game.

"You can get one of these plushies for free since you preordered the game" the cashier said to him as he took out three different kinds of plushies; A Mimikyu, Rockruff, and Fomantis plushies were placed before him.

Dimitri looked at them, examining each one of them. He was planning on putting all three of them on his team when he played the game, but he wasn't sure which one to pick as a plush.

"I'll take Mimikyu, please." He said.

The cashier handed the plushie over and Dimitri waved goodbye, taking both the game and plush with him. He got into his car and made his way home.

He was never the kind of person to drive even a little over the speed limit, but today Dimitri was five over the speed limit. It didn't take him long to get home. Opening the front door, he ran upstairs into his room, locking the door behind him.

His room was a reck. Everything was unorganized, clothes on the floor, books everywhere, and some Pokémon collectibles all over. The collectibles range from plushies, to cards, to figurines, and a few Pokémon shirts, hats boxers. Obsession is possibly the best word to best describe him when it comes to his favorite gaming franchise. But to him, it's an escape from the things that haunt him. Ever since the death of his father, he was having trouble coping with the lost of him.

He had to move in with his uncle who didn't seem to care that much about him. As long as he's getting good grades in school, the man didn't care what Dimitri went out and did. He didn't know that Dimitri is haunted by nightmares of his dead father, to the point he couldn't sleep sometimes for days. No matter how many times Dimitri would bring it up to him, his uncle would just shrug it off and say that he will get over it. His uncle didn't believe that someone can be effective emotionally or mentally.


His friends since childhood Sylvain, Ingrid, and Felix were the ones that introduced him to Pokémon. They were very young when they were playing the game, even his father was still alive. The three of them had their DSis and were focusing strictly on them, nothing else. Dimitri looked over at what the three were playing.

"Oh, hey Dimitri," Ingrid jumped a bit realizing he was watching. "You wanna watch?"

"What game are you guys playing?" He asked. "It seems like you are all playing the same game."

"Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver," Sylvain stated. "Well, that's what both the games are called. I'm playing Heart Gold. Ingrid and Felix are Soul Silver."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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