The Truth Upon the Veil

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" ...Thank you... Hijikata-san... Truly... "
Shun, who's becoming more unused to his affection since Hijikata's busy life, a blush tinted on her cheek with the sudden gentle affection he showed.

Looking at the both of them being silently affectionate in the middle pile of corpses, it acquired a small laugh from Shinpachi who's sitting on the stair from afar.

" Sheesh, what an unusual sight, though I must say it's not unpleasant. "
He commented—didn't direct it at anyone, yet he received a reply from other captain beside him.

" Which one did you refer to, Shinpachi? "

" Ah, Kondou-San. Well, I mean... I've never seen such an endearing scene while in the midst of corpses like this, right? "
He chuckled.

" Well well, it's often hard for the both of them to be openly expressive in public. I'm just glad that they actually can found such an uncanny time to be open to each other. "

" ... Woah... wait, you're saying it as if they're really... "

" Haha, let's go help the others and search if there any survivors. "

" E-Eh?! Kondou-San, Wait! What do you mean by them— "

At first Shinpachi was just wanted to tease Shun and Hijikata, but he never expected Kondou to say those things about the two of them.

Back to the now-awkward Hijikata and Shun, the gentleman clears his throat to change the topic.
" Things have finally calmed down, let's go search for everyone and back to our headquarters. "

" I-I will go to upstairs! I saw Souji went ahead before. "
Without even waiting for anyone's reply, Shun rushed to the second floor.

Things are getting too quiet, not that she's unpleased with it. But if there's really nothing anymore, why would Souji and Chizuru still haven't gone back down yet?

Just as she rummaging her head, she finally found the answer when her eyes meet the room under the moonlight.

When the scene become clear to her eyes...
When her brain processed the situation in a breath...
When she catches the despicable red which come spurting from Okita's mouth as he thrown to walls...
Shun knows that the story began to walk on the original path again...

" SOUJI! "

Shun run to his side immediately without even considering the situation they're in. Anymore than this could actually lead Shun to frantic and perhaps... abandoning the duty as the Yokai Priest.

" Souji! No... no! Please hang in there! "
Her hands are as trembling as the tree branch in the midst of storm. It feels like as if the world stopped only for the both of them.

" S-Shun-San! "
A squealed... no, it was more like a plead of help from the helpless girl who's about to get forced to come with Kazama.

Chizuru struggled with all she has, alas it's futile since she lacks the experience.

Still stunned by the scenery of her only person who she has treated as her own family passing out on the rumble with bloods spilled out from his mouth, Shun really couldn't wrap her head on this fast-paced situation.

" Kazama! You knew that guy is under her holiness protection! "
Amagiri who couldn't just stay still—yet was too late to stopped the blow from Kazama when it came to Souji—spoke out his mind. He's furious, because right now... he's trapped in a situation between his master and friend.

" How else should I shut him then? We're here not to entertain some lowly human seeking for useless fight, we have a bigger responsibility to fulfill. "

" Yes you're right, but this isn't what we agreed on. "

"  Ho? Are trying to argue with me now, Amagiri? "

" ...Only by starting with small step first then a baby can begin to walk and run. "

" ... "

Amagiri said and betting on his life like this is not just because the promise Kazama made to him, but of course, it's because Amagiri wanted to respect Shun's verdict on her protected human.

The glaring battle begin between Amagiri and Kazama. Even back in the hidden village, all the demons know how stubborn their head village can be. He's merciless, strict, but Amagiri also knows how much of a responsible man this demon is. That's the reason as well, why Amagiri can't back down from his resolve.

"... Very well, you have it your way tonight, Amagiri. "
Just as he admit his lost, Kazama let go of Chizuru's wrist and throw her roughly to the ground.

" Ouch! Such power... and that golden eyes... it can't be... he's the same as me? "
Chizuru as if struck by lightning, couldn't even lift a single finger in tremble. But more than that, it's actually another kind of fear which overwhelmed her.

The fact that she's meeting someone who hold the same secret as her, stepping closer to unrivaled her origins, it's something that she doesn't know how to prepare herself.

Before leaving the inn, Amagiri take a glance on his friend who's still stunned in front of Souji's body. He couldn't see really well when she hangs her head down like that, but he's sure that he doesn't have the right anymore to call himself as her friend.

First Love at Second Life ( HAKUOKI FANFIC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ