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I woke up on Alex's couch.i was in one of his flannels the last thing I remember is buying a two big bottles of gin off of some drunk guy and then drink it will walking back to the swings. I looked at the clock it was 5:00 am. I looked up at the ceiling and huffed. then Alex walked out of the bathroom and around the Connor he was only in a towel. He stood there and starred at me. I looked over at him and then rolled over so my back was facing him. he walked over to me and sat on the couch at my feet. " good morning riot, how ya feelin?" I sat up and pulled my legs to my chest and laid my chin on my knees. "how did I get here?" I asked in confusion. "I went chasing after you but you were gone by the time I got out of my yard so I started to walk and I ended up at the park and that's where I found you, you were laying at the end of the slide passed out so I carried you back here and then ran to your house to pick you up some clothes. I don't know how you ended up in a flannel." "were my parents home?" "no it was like 12 and they weeny home" "that means they won't be back for a few days"."okay so do you want a ride to school my brother can take us". Alex lives with his brother. I don't know why he would never talk about his parents. his brother usually stays down stairs unless he is hungry or something. "okay sure just let me get ready".

I hurried up and got ready he forgot to grab a shirt so I grabbed one of his flannel I finished up and grabbed my vans and slid them on I fixed my hair and walked out of the bathroom. Alex was ready and was wearing the same flannel he ran up to me picked me up and twirled me in circles "twinzes" he shouted he put me down and wrapped his arm around me waist and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried pulling my self up. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his waist his brother Tyler came up "you guys ready" "yeah let's go" we all went to the car an got in Alex put me in the back and he sat next to me. his brother started blasting a day to remember if it means a lot to you. Alex pulled me close "its so cold" then he stared singing along and so did I. maybe this won't be so bad maybe he really loves me like he said maybe I learn to not be afraid. Before I knew it we where there and then I started feeling sick. Alex helped me out of the car and picked me up and the sick feeling went away he smiled at me and I smiled back. he carried me to the door we were like a period late Alex new all of his classes and we had all of them together except for three. I guess he could tell I was nervous. he grabbed me and kisses me deeply "it will be okay I promise". he opened the door and grabbed my hand. we walked straight to the front office then to second period. when we walked in the class everyone started to talk and whisper I walked over to three empty sets Alex sat down next to me and then legend came in a sat on the other side of me "hey riot" "uh hi".

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