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    Time had passed, as Frank sang about training Rocky to become, "a man". I found it all quite entertaining personally. Until a loud beep rang within the lab.

"EDDIE!!" Columbia cheered in happiness.

     A man exited through the freezer on a motorcycle, similar to mine.

Whatever happened to Saturday Night
When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright
It don't seem the same since cosmic light
Came into my life, I thought I was divine

The man known as Eddie approached Rocky whilst singing. I smiled at his talent.

I used to drive around with a chick who'd go
Listen to the music on the radio
A saxophone was blowing on a rock 'n' roll show
You climbed in the back seat
Really had a good time

He embraced Columbia, before placing her on his bike. My heart ached at their love.

Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll

He performed a quite impressive saxophone solo, I danced as everyone enjoyed his music.

My head used to swim from the perfume I smelt
My hand's kinda fumbled with her white plastic belt
I'd taste her baby pink lipstick and that's when I'd melt
She'd whisper in my ear tonight she really was mine

He approached Columbia, singing to her romantically.

Get back in front put some hair-oil on
Buddy Holly was singing his very last song
With your arms around you girl you try to sing along
You felt pretty good
Really had a good time

I laughed as he threw her in the air repeatedly.

Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll

His eyes went towards me as I danced, laughing with me. He took mine and Columbias hands, as he spun the both of us. Columbia and I looked at eachother delighted as we danced in glee.

Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll
Hot Patootie - Bless my soul
I really love that Rock and Roll

     Frank must've been unhappy with Eddie's appearance as he locked Rocky within the elevator. Eddie rose on his motorbike around the laboratory as Frank went inside the freezer. Columbia and Eddie embraced once again before Frank approached him with an ice pick, chasing Eddie. I watched as Frank maliciously stabbed Eddie over and over again, until a trail of blood was seen from the freezer. Frank returned, blood smeared on his gloves as he said,

"One for the vaults." The guests laughed at his joke as I stood there in disappointment.

      I crossed my arms to show my disapproval as I went to comfort Columbia. I hugged her tight and reminded her everything would be alright as she cried on my shoulder. I glared at Frank in disapproval, he went towards the both of us before I shoved Columbia behind me and warned him.

"Dont Frank."

     He huffed in anger mumbling about women always siding with one another. Rocky began shaking the elevator doors, wanting to be released. Rocky seemed to be upset about Eddie's death as Frank reasoned his crime.

"Dont be upset, it was a mercy killing. He had a certain naive charm, but no muscle." Frank excused, Rocky flexed his toned arm infront of Frank, making him release a satisfied moan. Although I was quite upset with Frank, I could admit that alone made me feel a warm sensation in my stomach.

      Frank continued his song about making Rocky a man, removing his lab coat and singing. Janet soon sung along with Frank unexpectedly, suprising all of us. As his song came to an end, he led rocky towards a room with a large bed, the guests cheering as wedding music played. My face frowned in jealousy but I quickly got over it, checking on Columbia once again.

"Are you alright dear?" I asked in concern, grabbing her petite shoulders. She sniffed in sadness, wiping her remaining tears.

"Hes gone, Frank took away the love of my life." My heart ached for her, I understood how hard it must be for her right now. I sighed as I hugged her tightly once again.

"Its gonna be alright love, it may seem difficult now but you're a strong girl. You'll work through this." She smiled a weak smile at my attempt of cheering her up.

"Thank you Angel. I appreciate your kindness."

"No problem love." I kissed her cheek gingerly.

Slight smut warning!!!<3

    Time had passed and Magenta led me to my room.

"Thank you, love" I said gratefully once again. She smiled at my kindness before nodding her head, handing me my clothing, and closing the door behind her.

     I noticed the camera pointed towards me and shrugged my shoulders. 'Nothing they havent seen before'. I changed into my nightgown and laid in bed. My mind spun as I thought of all the events that had gone down today. My bike... The party... Rocky... Eddie... Frank... my heart rate increased at the mere thought of him, reminded of his seductive voice, his sensual smell, and the gentle touch of his fingers. Although what he had done to Eddie and Columbia was terrible, something deep inside me still forgave him, and longed for his touch. I found my hands reaching underneath my silk nighty. Tracing circles around my inner thigh. I bit my lip to suppress any moans that couldve slipped out in the moment. I thought of Franks hands running all over my body, rather then mine. Running my fingers over the thin fabric of my underwear. My other hand snaked underneath my dress also, grabbing my left boob. I pictured Frank running his mouth over my perky breast, his smooth tongue running over my nipples, I pinched my sensitive area roughly as my back arched in pleasure. I couldnt hold back my moans, releasing a loud whimper.

"Well what do we have here..?" A familiar voice spoke from above me. I must've been so distracted pleasuring myself that I hadn't heard the door unlock. I squeaked in surprised, reaching for the blanket to cover myself before Frank jumped to pin my arms above my head.

"Oh I dont think so you naughty little slut." I moaned at his degrading words, my crotch buckling up, desperate for friction.

"Aw, look at you. So desperate for me to pleasure you huh? What do you want me to do? Sweet little Angel..." My legs shook as I felt my hormones go wild. I gripped Frank's toned arms, desperation in my eyes.

"I want you to fuck me Frank..." I begged, running my leg up his sensually. Franked groaned in stimulation as I pressed my warm crotch against him tighter. I felt his manhood become harder against me, he looked at me with lust in his eyes before smirking.

"A wish you shall recieve, my love..."


In all seriousness thank you so much for reading!! I love you guys so much

Goodnight my dears<3

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