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A/N - I only have one question and I'm shooting for ten once I get to nine chapters I won't post another until I have all the questions remember questions can be directed at characters or me and my personal life

Alexander's POV

   "Hello?" I poked my head in the door and a boy looked up from his phone. "Hi, I'm here to-"
   "Babysit. I know. I don't know why I can't just do it. John can be so stupid sometimes. It's not even that hard." He spat.
   "You must be Henry." I smiled, a younger boy ran in the room and grabbed a pillow. He brandished it over his head and glared at me.
   "Get out, you heathen!" He screeched.
   "That's Alex." Henry grumbled, not looking up from his phone.
   "Oh." The boy dropped the pillow and held his hand out to shake. "I'm James." I shook his hand and smiled.
   "I have a brother named James."
   "Yeah. He's way old than you and you are definitely way cuter." James giggles and I smiled. He looked just like John. Blonde hair and ocean blue eyes that draw you in and never let go. Who am I kidding? John probably has an amazing soulmate who could out do me in a second.
   "I want nuggets!" James jumped up and down and I picked him up.
"Nuggets!" I cheered, taking him to the kitchen. He ran around as I microwaved the nuggets and smiled. I walked to the table and set the plate in front of him.
"Why do you walk funny?"
"I just do." I smiled, moved back into the sitting room and smiled at Henry. "Where's Mary?"
"Where's that?" Henry pointed down a hall and I sighed. I peeked in room and smiled when I saw the little girl playing in a play pen. "Hey, sweetie." She got up and offered me a toy. "Oh no. That's ok. Are you hungry?" I picked her up and she played with my curls. I sat her in the high chair and remembered John telling me she loved the yams and he didn't want her to spit anything else up on me. I grabbed a spoon and sat in a chair next to her high chair. I started to feed her and she resisted at first but eventually gave into all the airplanes and trains and other automobiles.
"Wow. She usually throws a fit and dumps the food on John."
"Aw...that's too bad." I smiled.
"I mean it's not even that hard. Just feed her the food. John makes a big deal out of everything."
"I don't think he does, Henry. He's just trying to-"
"He's trying time take her place!" He stormed off and I frowned. The front door open and I continued feeding Mary.
"Alex?" John called.
"In here!" I called back, imitating an airplane for Mary. John chuckled and sighed.
"She never lets me feed her like that." He smiled.
"Maybe I should try that." Mary babbled and John glanced at the clock. "It's your bed time, shorty." She started screaming and wailing. "Please don't? I'm literally begging you."
"Can I try?"
"Please?" John handed her over and I started bouncing her on my hip. I followed John to her room and continued bouncing her and even started singing quietly. The same French lullaby my mother would sing to me. I laid the drowsy toddler in her crib and John and I crept out, shutting the door. "Thank you so much. Truly. Are you sure you don't want money or something?"
"It's alright. I don't need money to help a friend." I smiled.
"At least let me make you dinner? I'm not a very good cook but it's the thought that counts right?" I chuckled and nodded. John's phone buzzed and he sighed. He answered it and I smiled at him. "That's fine, Mar. Don't stay past nine. Love ya." He hung up and smiled. "So dinner?"
   "Sure." I smiled.
   "Awesome." John moves to the kitchen and I sat at the counter as he cooked. We laughed and talked and John burned himself at one point. He dropped the pan and yelped. I got up and ran around to John.
   "Don't touch it." I wet a wash cloth and rung it out. "It's gonna sting a bit." I gently put the cloth on his forearm, he hissed and I looked up at him. "Sorry."
   "Where'd you learn that?"
   "I don't know." I shrugged, John chuckled and sighed.
   "I guess dinner's off the table. Sorry."
   "Don't worry about it. I should get home anyway."
   "Let me drive you."
   "Henry! I'll be right back! Don't do anything stupid." John called as he grabbed his keys and took me out to his truck.
   "I could've just taken the subway."
   "At night? No way!"
   "You're weird."
   "Indeed I am." He grinned.

   "So how was babysitting?" James hummed as I took off my prosthetic.
   "Uneventful." I shrugged.
   "Have you told someone yet?" I shook my head.
   "I will tomorrow." I yawned, taking my shirt off and laying down.
   "Ok. I have a job interview tomorrow. It might run late. It's a whole dinner thing. My point is I'll leave a twenty for pizza and please get home safe."
   "Ok. I have some homework to do so I'll be up fairly late."
   "Try not to make it past midnight. I want you to have at least six hours of sleep."
   "Got it." I hopped over to the table and James sighed.
   "You know I don't like it when you do that."
   "Get used to it, dumbass."
   "Nerd." I stuck my tongue out at him and he ruffled my hair. "Hey, I was cleaning under the bed and look what I found."
   "RACHEL!" He handed me the stuffed lion mom gave for my birthday before she died and I hugged it tight.
   "Alright. Goodnight, short stack."
   "Night, tree top."

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