chapter 4

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danial pov

6 months  have been passed to my and dad talk .  dad made me a little conscious like seriously now  when ever i am  in office unconsciously  i notice her . like what  things make her laugh , what makes her sad , what she prefer in lunch ,or how attentively she does her work, not knowing what is going in her surrounding, like how  sleepy she becomes when she is in meeting with me .yes she hates meeting alot that i know . i have also seen how she have frowns in her forhead when she is thinking .

its been 6 months she is working close to me and trust me on this never ever she talk to me without any work .she only comes to my office or talk to me when it is work related ,she doesn,t attend any parties of office if it is not compulsory  .

i am really now getting disturb from this because  i unconsciously stare  at her when we are in meeting or going some where ,i should not do this she is my employee it is not appropriate  .

their  is so much difference between us dad was wrong we can never work together  she is not from my life style her way of life is different .

a knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts.

"come in " 

  she entered inside , wow she is looking so beautiful in this dress .

"sir you have to look through these files i have to  call them today to infrom them about your decision

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"sir you have to look through these files i have to  call them today to infrom them about your decision."

she was talking and i was lost in her ,her eyes are so beautiful ,i have not noticed her before like this she is really innocent and natural beauty i must say ,their is not a bit of makeup on her just gloss on her lips .

what the hell why i am looking at her like this she is my Secretary  shit.

"sir here these are the files."

"hmmm ok .. i will... look through it".

"sir its urgent "

"ok i got it i know ,now you should go i will call when i am through this  now leave."

she was looking at me shocked and then left .

"shit " i threw the files on the desk and held my head .

"why did i yell on her  she didn,t did anything wrong ,shit she will think of me as mad person she talk so politely with me and i kicked her out ."

"i am going crazy i should control my self she is my employee what was dad thinking ."

i opened the  files to check it .


"is this guy mad or what" i came out of his office talking to myself and i was  hell angry .

well i was also not in mood to be in his office he doesn,t have to kick me out , jerk ,he could have just listen to what i said "

"what happened why are you angry " zainab said

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